Friends List

In the world of Wesnoth you can cuddle as well as combat, with happy tree friends all is possible. If you cut out the info below and edit your corresponding line in your wesnoth preference file, all the ladder players will be marked as your friends with the !-mark in the official server lobby, making it much easier to know who to bug for a ladder game.

Tip of the Wose: Make sure you backup your preference file before editing it.

Players in list: 8320

Tips from the Wose: Keep in mind that you need to update your preference file every now and then to include all the new players. It's easy to also add just the new ones: They're ordered in ascending joining order, so just use ctrl+f inside the textbox above to find the last name in your preference file, and copy & paste all the ones after that, including the coma.

Linux Automated Friends Update

by mr-russ

If you want to get the latest friendslist easier and automagically you can download it in text form by requesting This will return a text string with the ladder friends in it.

WARNING: The following comes without warranty and my delete your preferences file, but some have had success with the following shell script on linux. The script below will update your friends list with all of the ladder players. It will also remove any players on your friends list that are not ladder players. By using cron or anacron you can make the script run once or twice a week, meaning you'd always have fresh friendslist without having to do anything.

TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/wesnoth.prefs.XXXXXXXXXX`
wget --quiet -O${TMPFILE} ""
grep -v '^friends=' ~/.wesnoth/preferences > ~/.wesnoth/preferences2
cat $TMPFILE >> ~/.wesnoth/preferences2
mv ~/.wesnoth/preferences2 ~/.wesnoth/preferences

Microsoft Windows Automated Friends Update

by eyerouge

Because of ideological and ethical reasons won't support this since I'm actually against the usage of MS Windows and it's offspring as well as any other non-free OS. From my perspective most users can and would do them self and the world at large a favour if they migrated from Windows to Linux instead. However, I do recognize that a majority never will for various reasons, hence I bring to you a friends updater for Windows until you come and visit us in Sherwood. As with russ, I leave no guarantee whatsoever that this will not cause drama.

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
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Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2025-02-16 01:56 UTC | 0.00682sec.