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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1621   (1710 / 1479) 59% 36 25 61 17 / -19 / 1.98 -2  (6 / -4) 5  (48% / 84%: 4 / 5 / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 5 79 83 96%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2009-03-21 02:08:07jacobJaysta1836 (9)1621 (-12)31682870- / 4 W566Download (566)Details
2009-03-16 08:38:55maliRJaysta1470 (21)1633 (-21)1107010770- / 5650Download (650)Details
2009-03-14 01:04:57JaystaPrinceBolkonsky1654 (10)1362p (-21)700690- / 5625Download (625)Details
2009-03-13 23:49:18JaystaPrinceBolkonsky1644 (11)1383p (-22)690690- / 5674Download (674)Details
2009-03-13 20:35:25SweetJaysta1731 (14)1633 (-14)53695069- / 5-1NoDetails
2009-03-13 09:07:48jacynimborgJaysta1480 (21)1647 (-21)1096710369- / 5671Download (671)Details
2009-03-06 00:35:15Jaystabhosp1668 (7)1223 (-7)700710- / 5-1NoDetails
2009-03-05 23:16:33bhospJaysta1230 (26)1661 (-26)063070- / 5 W521Download (521)Details
2009-03-05 21:32:32Jaystabhosp1687 (7)1204 (-7)640630- / 5 W546Download (546)Details
2009-03-01 01:38:33JamesZDJaysta1693 (16)1680 (-16)615555614 / 4-1NoDetails
2009-02-27 05:35:15SwiftJaysta1817 (10)1696 (-14)315129555 / --1NoDetails
2009-02-24 05:09:34Jaystajacynimborg1710 (11)1468p (-23)5705305 / 4 W664Download (664)Details
2009-02-21 04:49:59JaystaPerun1699 (8)1325 (-8)5612355124- / 5 W527Download (527)Details
2009-02-21 01:08:58Jaystadarkknight1691 (15)1621 (-15)576856733 / 3 W/L632Download (632)Details
2009-02-19 04:28:00HagbartJaysta1841 (10)1676 (-13)265626575 / 5 W566Download (566)Details
2009-02-18 03:41:36JaystaDeath1689 (9)1334 (-9)58120571245 / 5 W/L530Download (530)Details
2009-02-18 02:19:09JaystaTyrion1680 (14)1564p (-29)610580- / 5 W624Download (624)Details
2009-02-16 01:52:56Jaystajacob1666 (15)1609 (-15)62715979- / 5510Download (510)Details
2009-02-16 01:49:21jacobJaysta1624 (17)1651 (-17)806071625 / 5 W531Download (531)Details
2009-02-14 19:21:15oesisJaysta1752 (15)1668 (-15)47564158- / --1NoDetails
2009-02-14 15:46:35ZenfurJaysta1619 (18)1683 (-18)795578564 / 4 W646Download (646)Details
2009-02-14 04:18:29JaystaHarvaHammasHamsu1701 (11)1442p (-22)540530- / 5 W684Download (684)Details
2009-02-14 01:50:39JaystaRyba1690 (12)1476p (-24)560540- / 3 W536Download (536)Details
2009-02-13 20:26:59JaystaJamesZD1678 (17)1666 (-17)58555558- / 4 W620Download (620)Details
2009-02-13 18:00:19JaystaCoriolan1661 (22)1907 (-17)642058205 / 5 W471Download (471)Details
2009-02-12 22:20:56Jaystathefish1639 (20)1759 (-20)77356440- / 5 W480Download (480)Details
2009-02-12 18:06:06Jaystasolange11619 (16)1575 (-16)798277845 / 4490Download (490)Details
2009-02-12 16:39:43solange1Jaysta1591 (17)1603 (-17)847582795 / 5 W488Download (488)Details
2009-02-09 02:24:44DeathJaysta1343 (23)1620 (-23)1306712976- / 5 W468Download (468)Details
2009-02-09 00:01:59JaystaKhoth1643 (13)1474p (-26)740670- / 4 W526Download (526)Details


Different opponents: 39 || Average games/opponent: 1.56 || Total inflation: -7 320 || Games vs overrated: 26% || Games vs underrated: 67%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
kakaroto16241216-4082020 200120100 1100 00
will133814691313131 310121000 1100 00
reina13821515121-36-36 36121000 00 1100
JamesZD17151680-1184013.3 5616350100 266.7 133.3
abc13321510-23-44-44 44120100 00 1100
aC-Tammy1468146803232 3201200 1100 00
Pandemonium18081519-59-23-23 23120100 00 1100
Death18091334-2813-44-7.3 42866100100 350 350
thefish20851759-10884715.7 6013350100 266.7 133.3
AssassinT9017441558-1863434 340120100 1100 00
Coriolan20091907-1544623 460230100 2100 00
Dark_Confidant1676167863-9-3 1827351000 133.3 266.7
WIF_Luigit18171654-1631919 190120100 1100 00
rept1447144701313 1301200 1100 00
Irregular1340135337-11-5.5 1122231000 150 150
Quetzalcoatl19611596-389-17-17 17120100 00 1100
deKattekop129614501541313 130121000 1100 00
War13411354131111 110121000 1100 00
Wintermute21011586-68-7-7 7120100 00 1100
brainfish1524158228-4-4 4121000 00 1100
kitsu17821415-7092512.5 250230100 2100 00
Perun14471325-261189 180230100 2100 00
thedododojo214351473381313 130121000 1100 00
Khoth1474147401313 1301200 1100 00
solange117021575-238-1-0.5 1617230100 150 150
Ryba1476147601212 1201200 1100 00
HarvaHammasHamsu15981442-1561111 110120100 1100 00
Zenfur1584168335-18-18 18121000 00 1100
oesis19711668-219-15-15 15120100 00 1100
jacob17871621-292-14-4.7 1529353367 133.3 266.7
Tyrion16101564-461414 140120100 1100 00
Hagbart19591676-118-13-13 13120100 00 1100
darkknight16021621191515 150121000 1100 00
jacynimborg15291647-110-10-5 1121230100 150 150
Swift18531696-36-14-14 14120100 00 1100
bhosp12661223-141-12-4 1426350100 266.7 133.3
Sweet20021633-271-14-14 14120100 00 1100
PrinceBolkonsky130513621352110.5 210231000 2100 00
maliR14981633-28-21-21 21120100 00 1100


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