
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 2141   (2179 / 1406) 69% 109 50 159 11 / -11 / 4.03 -1  (23 / -7) 5  (52% / 52%: 5 / 3 / 5) 2% (0 / 1 / 2)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Soldier 11 213.5 219 97%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2012-05-18 15:38:46thefishPagan1958 (16)2141 (-10)2302413- / - W511Download (511)Details
2012-04-06 22:13:44PaganDwarvishRhapsody2151 (4)1795 (-6)105210535 / 5 W/L498Download (498)Details
2012-03-25 16:24:24PaganKira12147 (8)2132 (-8)98895 / 5 W533Download (533)Details
2012-03-22 20:41:44Paganthefish2139 (7)2001 (-10)825827- / 5 W513Download (513)Details
2012-03-19 19:37:42widowmaker80Pagan2041 (14)2132 (-9)238229- / 5 W508Download (508)Details
2012-03-17 21:44:34PaganKpp2141 (7)2008 (-10)923825- / 4 W644Download (644)Details
2012-03-13 15:53:38jason1985Pagan2118 (8)2134 (-8)13101311- / 5 W519Download (519)Details
2012-03-12 21:03:01PaganFanjo2142 (8)2096 (-8)11161016- / 4 W557Download (557)Details
2012-03-11 19:35:51Paganjason19852134 (8)2117 (-8)131411145 / 5 W/L536Download (536)Details
2012-03-08 23:13:37thefishPagan2056 (14)2126 (-9)23112113- / - W-1NoDetails
2012-03-08 18:14:25Paganjason19852135 (8)2095 (-8)12181118- / 5 W530Download (530)Details
2012-03-08 18:09:44PaganKpp2127 (7)2015 (-10)14251228- / 5 W651Download (651)Details
2012-03-06 19:52:32RigorPagan2181 (7)2120 (-7)1014915- / 5 W523Download (523)Details
2012-03-01 17:10:23jason1985Pagan2087 (13)2127 (-9)21122015- / 5 W551Download (551)Details
2012-03-01 16:02:44jason1985Pagan2074 (13)2136 (-9)21122015- / 5 W534Download (534)Details
2012-03-01 16:01:17jason1985**Pagan2074 (13)2136 (-9)21122112- / 5 W494Download (494)Details
2012-03-01 14:18:34Paganjason19852145 (7)2061 (-11)122112215 / 4 W727Download (727)Details
2012-02-29 18:26:48Paganjason19852138 (7)2072 (-11)142012213 / 5 W/L537Download (537)Details
2012-02-27 18:38:45Pagannagafono2131 (5)1848 (-8)175015535 / 5 W/L506Download (506)Details
2012-02-26 22:56:12The_Black_SwordPagan2302 (6)2126 (-6)514516- / 5 W521Download (521)Details
2012-02-26 13:17:11Pagannagafono2132 (5)1849 (-8)145014535 / 5 W/L498Download (498)Details
2012-02-26 11:52:43Pagannagafono2127 (5)1865 (-8)164514475 / 5 W/L528Download (528)Details
2012-02-22 20:30:06FanjoPagan2123 (8)2122 (-8)161315162 / 3 W/L494Download (494)Details
2012-02-22 11:21:54FanjoPagan**2123 (8)2122 (-8)18131516- / -461Download (461)Details
2012-02-20 22:10:28DiggyPagan2060 (14)2130 (-9)23132214- / 5 W478Download (478)Details
2012-02-19 20:42:58Paganthefish2139 (7)2013 (-10)14281328- / 5 W475Download (475)Details
2012-02-19 13:56:25Paganjason19852132 (8)2103 (-8)15161418- / 5 W477Download (477)Details
2012-02-18 18:23:37chess_master_2013Pagan1829p (47)2124 (-3)0140153 / 3 W603Download (603)Details
2012-02-18 16:18:20jason1985Pagan2111 (8)2127 (-8)18141614- / 5 W444Download (444)Details
2012-02-17 18:55:43The_Black_SwordPagan2292 (6)2135 (-6)51400- / -486Download (486)Details


Different opponents: 55 || Average games/opponent: 2.89 || Total inflation: -10 825 || Games vs overrated: 21% || Games vs underrated: 77%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Zorro18911465-428-35-35 35110100 00 1100
Savannah18731444-138-21-21 21110100 00 1100
Wintermute21012105-683-46-7.7 652640100 116.7 583.3
RainbowColors1592140635-24-24 24111000 00 1100
Legio15161564547738.5 770211000 2100 00
ArtemisX20171698-6845829 580210100 2100 00
Nordmann18951874-383015 4616210100 150 150
Loser20502050-2158311.9 11128742957 457.1 342.9
Lucifer62614251414-111111 110110100 1100 00
Pelopidas19822153-45658.1 7510855050 787.5 112.5
Velensk18511826-664411 5713430100 375 125
svek21382110-347133.3 2916430100 250 250
Baufo16811768-92-24-12 24210100 00 2100
CyBiO17981674-1241414 140110100 1100 00
plk220412116-1627515.1 89381060100 770 330
reloc18481747-113-17-17 17110100 00 1100
Fosprey1970200924428.4 5513536040 480 120
KnightKunibert15861492-1782010 200210100 2100 00
Janitor20591837-7983812.7 380320100 3100 00
Murderer16321660281313 130111000 1100 00
Tulk15011484-1777 70110100 1100 00
Tatanka16501624-28189 180210100 2100 00
Crusher16351634-74205 24443075 375 125
Yogibear19151809-1061010 100110100 1100 00
c4rLOs821702125-1886595.4 75161170100 981.8 218.2
Zarak19932115-305303.8 4919853863 675 225
Guerrero16401429-21144 40110100 1100 00
sauron172917461788 80111000 1100 00
Arkad15761439-13744 40110100 1100 00
Dauntless22832109-949416.8 476641783 583.3 116.7
Zilo18581573-28533 30110100 1100 00
Suvorov20522103-204196.3 190323367 3100 00
TL20101956-5466 60110100 1100 00
yzr19981995-218-23-3.3 1942741486 342.9 457.1
Coriolan20092106-142-4-2 610210100 150 150
Drudares19101885-2566 60110100 1100 00
jacob178718092255 50111000 1100 00
Various18801761-11944 40110100 1100 00
Falco17451746144 40111000 1100 00
Pandemonium18081752-5644 40110100 1100 00
Diggy1998213045-12-4 719323367 133.3 266.7
Semler1957222626999 90111000 1100 00
Tactical15291544347-3-0.8 1013431000 375 125
thefish20852141-40120.4 2119530100 360 240
jason198521872134-932121.2 46341060100 660 440
infinity318791873-655 50110100 1100 00
Rigor2029212028810.5 87211000 150 150
The_Black_Sword23482126-164-19-6.3 19320100 00 3100
chess_master_201318442124-15-3-3 3110100 00 1100
Fanjo1979209626100 88211000 150 150
nagafono1850184812155 150323367 3100 00
Kpp20342008-45147 140210100 2100 00
widowmaker8021792132-138-9-9 9110100 00 1100
Kira122782132-14688 80110100 1100 00
DwarvishRhapsody177317952244 40111000 1100 00


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2024-11-21 12:28 UTC | 0.19937sec.