
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1949   (1949 / 1764) 98% 39 1 40 12 / -36 / 11.23 29  (29 / -1) 4  (5% / 50%: 3 / NAN / 3) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 59.5 65 92%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2009-11-08 16:21:29Zeek_NoobErlend1949 (3)1293 (-4)200200- / 3584Download (584)Details
2009-10-26 21:56:50Zeek_Noobfantasmo1946 (4)1406p (-12)190180- / 4 W649Download (649)Details
2009-10-26 21:28:27Zeek_Noobmessage1942 (5)1447p (-13)200190- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-19 07:10:44Zeek_Noobjreyes1937 (5)1456p (-13)240230- / 4528Download (528)Details
2009-10-19 06:46:21Zeek_Noobfantasmo1932 (5)1418p (-12)260240- / 4 W601Download (601)Details
2009-10-19 06:25:26Zeek_NoobCowardMOO1927 (5)1442p (-13)260260- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-16 04:16:53Zeek_NoobRio1922 (7)1610 (-10)27822586- / 4 W642Download (642)Details
2009-10-16 03:52:39Zeek_NoobRio1915 (7)1620 (-10)27812783- / 3644Download (644)Details
2009-10-16 03:27:55Zeek_NoobErlend1908 (4)1297 (-10)270270- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-13 20:40:30Zeek_Noobjreyes1904 (6)1469p (-15)270270- / 2560Download (560)Details
2009-10-13 20:02:15Zeek_Noobjreyes1898 (6)1484p (-16)290270- / 4 W511Download (511)Details
2009-10-12 09:37:04Zeek_Noobyello1892 (4)1347p (-11)290280- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-12 09:25:00Zeek_NoobRio1888 (8)1630 (-11)30782980- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-12 06:03:35Zeek_Noobkard_1880 (3)1256 (-5)310300- / 4487Download (487)Details
2009-10-12 05:45:26Zeek_Noobkard_1877 (4)1261 (-5)310310- / 3 W503Download (503)Details
2009-10-12 05:25:48Zeek_NoobOnyx1873 (6)1444p (-15)310310- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-10 09:15:58Zeek_Noobfantasmo1867 (6)1430p (-15)310310- / 4641Download (641)Details
2009-10-10 08:59:05Zeek_NoobHAHA1861 (6)1453p (-16)330310- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-08 18:22:35Zeek_NoobRio1855 (9)1641 (-12)37723477- / 1 W611Download (611)Details
2009-10-08 06:03:30Zeek_Noobkard_1846 (3)1211 (-5)390380- / 3478Download (478)Details
2009-10-08 05:53:13Zeek_Noobmessage1843 (6)1460p (-17)400390- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-07 09:23:44Zeek_Noobfantasmo1837 (6)1445p (-16)430400- / 3643Download (643)Details
2009-10-07 09:03:33Zeek_NoobOnyx1831 (6)1459p (-17)440430- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-05 05:54:46Zeek_NoobRio1825 (9)1653 (-13)46734575- / 5627Download (627)Details
2009-10-05 05:39:14Zeek_NoobRio1816 (10)1666 (-13)48734673- / --1NoDetails
2009-10-03 09:22:31Zeek_Noobfantasmo1806 (9)1461p (-18)470450- / 2497Download (497)Details
2009-10-02 21:47:50Zeek_NoobRio1797 (14)1679 (-14)48654771- / -647Download (647)Details
2009-10-02 20:19:12Zeek_NoobCowardMOO1783 (10)1455p (-19)490480- / -548Download (548)Details
2009-10-02 19:33:26Zeek_Noobrekahtul1773 (9)1445 (-9)54118491224 / 4 W/L693Download (693)Details
2009-10-02 17:58:33rekahtulZeek_Noob1454 (24)1764 (-36)125011854- / 3685Download (685)Details


Different opponents: 14 || Average games/opponent: 2.86 || Total inflation: -1 045 || Games vs overrated: 58% || Games vs underrated: 28%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Rayvid12741234-402020 200130100 1100 00
Des18371742-954242 420130100 1100 00
Rio1610161068523519.6 23501230920 12100 00
Onyx133314443803612 360381000 3100 00
okthen14181454362222 220131000 1100 00
fantasmo17921406-2113518.5 5106150100 6100 00
rekahtul13991445101-27-13.5 936251000 150 150
CowardMOO1442144213157.5 15025500 2100 00
message1447144713115.5 11025500 2100 00
kard_12771256-103103.3 100380100 3100 00
HAHA142014533366 60131000 1100 00
yello13471347044 401300 1100 00
jreyes1456145641175.7 17038670 3100 00
Erlend12931293473.5 7025500 2100 00


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