
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

United States of America

Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1350   (1536 / 1274) 27% 10 27 37 23 / -14 / -4.05 -2  (3 / -12) 4  (46% / 30%: 5 / 5 / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 3 42 49 86%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2019-12-16 16:36:40enacuiaeroen2178 (1)1350 (-3)221221- / -554Download (554)Details
2019-12-16 03:37:42Zinnsoldataeroen1631 (10)1353 (-10)18221721- / 4 W539Download (539)Details
2019-12-15 19:49:12aeroenMasukhi1363 (19)1459p (-39)220220- / 5 W524Download (524)Details
2019-12-15 07:27:19Zinnsoldataeroen1621 (10)1344 (-10)0211822- / 4491Download (491)Details
2019-12-14 08:26:07vvdaeroen1702 (9)1354 (-9)0191520- / 3515Download (515)Details
2019-12-14 02:14:09Baltese_Windragonaeroen2041 (3)1363 (-4)6196195 / - W564Download (564)Details
2019-12-03 15:14:26lllllllllllllllaeroen1696 (9)1367 (-9)1701724- / --1NoDetails
2016-06-21 05:16:42aeroenjayis1376 (19)1462p (-38)5405305 / 5682Download (682)Details
2016-06-20 15:06:18ElderofZionaeroen2030 (3)1357 (-4)13541354- / -646Download (646)Details
2016-06-19 07:29:38Dollaeroen1699 (9)1361 (-9)0523753- / --1NoDetails
2016-06-19 01:12:42CAMOTblKaeroen1526p (26)1370 (-3)052052- / 3 W677Download (677)Details
2016-06-18 23:39:37vvdaeroen1725 (9)1373 (-9)34513452- / 4637Download (637)Details
2016-06-18 18:23:26food4botsaeroen1474 (15)1382 (-15)49514751- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2016-06-18 16:35:09aeroenDiggy1397 (27)1906 (-20)522051225 / 5 L618Download (618)Details
2016-06-17 17:03:12aeroenfood4bots1370 (19)1473 (-19)53475247- / 5659Download (659)Details
2016-06-17 16:00:59aeroenChrisSkyRo1351 (19)1422p (-38)530530- / 1 W745Download (745)Details
2016-06-16 16:32:11night_nisticaeroen1564 (11)1332 (-11)42524152- / -597Download (597)Details
2016-06-15 23:32:53aeroenFiFighter1343 (18)1377p (-36)520520- / 5 W722Download (722)Details
2016-06-15 15:11:49panicmanicaeroen1636 (10)1325 (-10)40523952- / -669Download (669)Details
2016-06-14 01:10:27iceiceiceaeroen1830 (5)1335 (-6)29542954- / 5 W777Download (777)Details
2016-06-13 15:41:54aeroenChrisSkyRo1341 (20)1460p (-40)540540- / 5782Download (782)Details
2016-06-13 00:09:51aeroennight_nistic1321 (22)1534 (-22)0445546- / 5623Download (623)Details
2016-06-12 18:43:28CyBiOaeroen1991 (3)1299 (-4)1756170- / 5-1NoDetails
2016-06-12 17:27:38aeroenCyBiO1303 (29)1988 (-21)0155617- / 5664Download (664)Details
2016-06-11 21:01:04night_nisticaeroen1563 (10)1274 (-10)460440- / -598Download (598)Details
2016-06-06 14:34:31ForPeaceaeroen1672 (8)1284 (-8)360360- / 5586Download (586)Details
2016-06-05 18:30:30panicmanicaeroen1643 (9)1292 (-18)400390- / -641Download (641)Details
2016-05-23 22:13:40Maxloudaeroen1735 (8)1310p (-15)290290- / --1NoDetails
2016-05-21 19:12:15pwntatochipaeroen1466 (28)1325p (-28)00390- / 4 W706Download (706)Details
2016-05-21 17:34:49Admiral_SAPaeroen1527p (27)1353p (-27)0000- / 4716Download (716)Details


Different opponents: 24 || Average games/opponent: 1.54 || Total inflation: 1 097 || Games vs overrated: 51% || Games vs underrated: 46%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Mathias15501581313636 360131000 1100 00
Zinnsoldat14891353273-55-18.3 55386733 00 3100
ForPeace18941284-573-39-19.5 39250100 00 2100
ElderofZion21941357-391-16-8 16250100 00 2100
Computer_Player17211442129-16-16 16131000 00 1100
pwntatochip14601325-16-62-31 62255050 00 2100
night_nistic12961332987-27-6.8 22494111000 125 375
Admiral_SAP13611353166-27-27 27131000 00 1100
Maxloud172713108-15-15 15131000 00 1100
panicmanic17341325-189-28-14 28250100 00 2100
CyBiO179812993832512.5 294251000 150 150
ChrisSkyRo14341422143919.5 390255050 2100 00
iceiceice18391335-9-6-6 6130100 00 1100
FiFighter13621377151818 180131000 1100 00
food4bots15191382-9142 1915250100 150 150
Diggy19981906-922727 270130100 1100 00
vvd13921354643-18-9 18251000 00 2100
CAMOTblK152613700-3-3 31300 00 1100
Doll18131361-114-9-9 9130100 00 1100
jayis14311462311919 190131000 1100 00
lllllllllllllll19811367-285-9-9 9130100 00 1100
Baltese_Windragon20531363-12-4-4 4130100 00 1100
Masukhi123114592281919 190131000 1100 00
enacui22171350-39-3-3 3130100 00 1100


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