
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1606   (1657 / 1458) 53% 16 14 30 22 / -17 / 3.53 1  (4 / -6) 4  (40% / 47%: 4 / 5 / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 3 38 49 78%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2016-09-10 12:53:27mortalenemyWhite_Drag0n1606 (12)1384p (-24)00360- / 4788Download (788)Details
2013-12-22 21:47:02Gautepautemortalenemy1941 (7)1594 (-9)22662267- / 4-1NoDetails
2013-12-22 21:35:17Deejanosmortalenemy1887 (8)1603 (-10)28642766- / - W481Download (481)Details
2013-12-11 01:35:33Deejanosmortalenemy1835 (9)1613 (-11)3203257- / -482Download (482)Details
2012-10-24 15:33:35SirGuilhermemortalenemy1520 (19)1624 (-19)004836- / 2 W608Download (608)Details
2011-09-09 09:36:33Semlermortalenemy2209 (3)1643 (-5)5805805 / -522Download (522)Details
2011-09-09 08:29:03Bonobomortalenemy2002 (7)1648 (-9)24782480- / 5 W529Download (529)Details
2011-08-23 19:38:22mortalenemyJeronym1657 (11)1418 (-11)7412674127- / - W500Download (500)Details
2011-08-23 17:05:37mortalenemysexelf1646 (14)1543 (-14)799874101- / 2 W653Download (653)Details
2011-08-01 10:29:49mortalenemyzara1632 (19)1711 (-19)85678368- / 4503Download (503)Details
2011-07-30 00:39:51nunswithgunsmortalenemy1890 (8)1613 (-10)34883490- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-07-28 17:44:57mortalenemyanaltract1623 (13)1454 (-13)9012989131- / --1NoDetails
2011-07-28 10:31:12mortalenemyOndrew1610 (19)1713 (-19)997291734 / - L494Download (494)Details
2011-07-26 18:02:45mortalenemymarzabul1591 (13)1438p (-27)10401010- / --1NoDetails
2011-07-25 20:59:59mortalenemynagafono1578 (14)1447 (-14)106135105138- / 4511Download (511)Details
2011-07-25 19:47:57Myosmortalenemy1588 (16)1564 (-16)105104102106- / - W651Download (651)Details
2011-07-23 16:10:54mortalenemySteel_Breeze1580 (14)1462 (-14)1041251031294 / 4 L643Download (643)Details
2011-07-22 19:04:25mortalenemynagafono1566 (14)1441 (-14)107131106134- / 4511Download (511)Details
2011-07-21 12:34:59nunswithgunsmortalenemy1812 (8)1552 (-11)5810956109- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-07-20 18:41:59mortalenemyKanapka1563 (35)1596 (-4)01021101035 / 4 W/L668Download (668)Details
2011-07-20 17:25:25zaramortalenemy1656 (14)1528p (-28)920900- / 4-1NoDetails
2011-07-19 14:22:39mortalenemyNoumenon1556p (31)1489 (-4)01270128- / 4457Download (457)Details
2011-07-19 07:05:27mortalenemyzara1525p (36)1575 (-5)01090109- / 3474Download (474)Details
2011-07-18 20:42:00molochmortalenemy1355 (20)1489p (-41)15701550- / 5 W462Download (462)Details
2011-07-08 17:17:24mortalenemySulik1530p (30)1435p (-30)0000- / 4 W489Download (489)Details
2011-07-08 16:18:22Mathiasmortalenemy1598 (15)1500p (-30)115011104 / 3 W/L621Download (621)Details
2011-07-06 19:45:17mortalenemyLezaleas1530p (29)1409p (-29)0000- / 4591Download (591)Details
2011-07-06 16:35:26mortalenemymachcik1501p (43)1671p (-43)0000- / 4 W646Download (646)Details
2011-07-04 15:53:25machcikmortalenemy1668p (25)1458p (-25)0000- / --1NoDetails
2011-07-04 14:32:25Gallifaxmortalenemy1870 (6)1483p (-17)430410- / 5 W-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 24 || Average games/opponent: 1.25 || Total inflation: -2 266 || Games vs overrated: 30% || Games vs underrated: 67%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Gallifax19461483-76-17-17 17130100 00 1100
machcik15401671259189 4325271000 150 150
Lezaleas14581409-492929 290130100 1100 00
Mathias1550150048-30-30 30131000 00 1100
Sulik16371435-2023030 300130100 1100 00
moloch13971489-42-41-41 41130100 00 1100
zara17431711-287279 55283100100 266.7 133.3
Noumenon19061489-4173131 310130100 1100 00
Kanapka17351596-1393535 350130100 1100 00
nunswithguns19541613-206-21-10.5 21270100 00 2100
nagafono18501447-8122814 280270100 2100 00
Steel_Breeze14511462111414 140131000 1100 00
Myos1576156412-16-16 16131000 00 1100
marzabul1438143801313 1301300 1100 00
Ondrew18371713-1241919 190130100 1100 00
analtract14191454351313 130131000 1100 00
sexelf14631543801414 140131000 1100 00
Jeronym15251418-1071111 110130100 1100 00
Bonobo20551648-53-9-9 9130100 00 1100
Semler19571643252-5-5 5131000 00 1100
SirGuilherme15271624-7-19-19 19130100 00 1100
Deejanos20001603-278-21-10.5 21270100 00 2100
Gautepaute21571594-216-9-9 9130100 00 1100
White_Drag0n13321384521212 120131000 1100 00


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