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2012-02-25 22:38:05siddhhugeowl1860p (7)1504p (-9)5 / 5 W/L489Download (489)Details

Comment by siddh:

undead(hugeowl) vs orcs(me) in fallenstar

It was an interesting game, though I fumbled in the opening with village grabbing. Opponent recruited too many ghouls in my opinion (3) but he managed to engage fairly nicely. I think it was more a tactical victory than a strategic one, but not sure. Thanks for playing, Hugeowl

Comment by hugeowl:

From my experience ghouls were awesome against northerners when 90% of their mobs have melee combat, but in the end I could not handle a big number of trolls. I am still not sure what to do in such situation. Thanks for playing, too.

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