
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 2028   (2028 / 1750) 72% 84 32 116 11 / -12 / 4.55 2  (13 / -3) 5  (49% / 88%: 5 / 5 / 5) 3% (2 / 0 / 1)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Soldier 9 158 168 94%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2013-11-23 18:09:08Reneunicorn2028 (6)1603 (-8)05813615 / 5 W/L566Download (566)Details
2013-09-17 20:07:04ReneAriu2022 (12)1996 (-12)02118225 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-07-28 20:57:59DruidRene1811 (21)2010 (-16)341734195 / 5783Download (783)Details
2013-07-26 18:46:37ReneGreen_Arrow2026 (10)1918 (-10)19241626- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-07-15 10:06:45Renebartvernietiger2016 (5)1540 (-7)175416575 / 5-1NoDetails
2013-07-09 08:11:51ReneDeletraz2011 (4)1425p (-10)001905 / 5-1NoDetails
2013-05-30 21:03:14RenePoliuks2007 (8)1772 (-11)18411841- / 5 W778Download (778)Details
2013-05-30 08:01:24PoliuksRene1783 (22)1999 (-16)421841185 / -853Download (853)Details
2013-05-22 18:53:54GaretJaxRene2063 (12)2015 (-12)14171418- / 5 W587Download (587)Details
2013-05-17 15:46:54ReneXplorer2027 (9)1806 (-9)183918395 / 5 W/L580Download (580)Details
2013-05-17 14:23:21ReneUltimate2018 (4)1421p (-10)190190- / 5684Download (684)Details
2013-05-16 23:57:02ReneAriu2014 (13)2043 (-13)191619175 / 5 W924Download (924)Details
2013-05-16 20:47:28HODORRene2140 (7)2001 (-10)9199195 / 5 W/L753Download (753)Details
2013-05-09 18:52:18Renesordan2011 (11)1903 (-11)17261626- / 5 W810Download (810)Details
2013-04-30 19:24:07AriuRene2046 (12)2000 (-12)001417- / 51785Download (1785)Details
2013-04-11 18:15:45ReneAriu2012 (13)2035 (-13)201719175 / 5 W697Download (697)Details
2013-04-11 17:27:25sordanRene1970 (13)1999 (-13)271925205 / 5 W588Download (588)Details
2013-04-11 14:16:15Renesordan2012 (11)1957 (-11)20251927- / 5 W559Download (559)Details
2013-04-01 19:30:41RenePoliuks2001 (6)1560p (-15)210210- / 5582Download (582)Details
2013-04-01 17:48:35RenePoliuks1995 (6)1575p (-15)220220- / 5 W618Download (618)Details
2013-03-28 20:50:45Renejojo03061989 (3)1303 (-4)22942294- / 5 W681Download (681)Details
2013-03-26 21:51:11ReneFanjo1986 (14)2103 (-10)24112111- / 5 W581Download (581)Details
2013-03-26 17:36:40AmyrlinRene1705 (23)1972 (-17)562154245 / 5 L634Download (634)Details
2013-03-23 15:11:59suirenRene2078 (11)1989 (-11)16015225 / 5672Download (672)Details
2013-02-14 20:50:44RenePrzebudzony2000 (7)1703 (-10)183817405 / 5 W698Download (698)Details
2013-01-29 18:00:00ReneDanniel_BR1993 (11)1890 (-11)21242024- / 5 W538Download (538)Details
2013-01-29 15:42:40ReneDanniel_BR1982 (11)1901 (-11)21242124- / 5 W585Download (585)Details
2013-01-28 16:14:32ReneAmyrlin1971 (5)1484 (-6)23612261- / 5 W542Download (542)Details
2013-01-22 20:53:41ReneKoboldmaki1966 (4)1420 (-6)226822685 / 5 W512Download (512)Details
2013-01-22 18:42:02ReneKoboldmaki1962 (4)1426 (-6)226822685 / 5 W582Download (582)Details


Different opponents: 67 || Average games/opponent: 1.73 || Total inflation: -1 298 || Games vs overrated: 47% || Games vs underrated: 47%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Jeronym15251583-23711523 1150542080 5100 00
adriano14841413-712828 280110100 1100 00
zacwarlord130914661572525 250111000 1100 00
relko15461514-322525 250110100 1100 00
bertmarcel1476147602424 2401100 1100 00
Cadian9th14171484672323 230111000 1100 00
moloch13971348-491616 160110100 1100 00
Randall-Flagg138214601753115.5 310221000 2100 00
Tropt20761774-545-6-6 6110100 00 1100
PuebloPL13571377143189 180221000 2100 00
Ariu19681996215152.1 5136767129 457.1 342.9
Miszcz1728175573-16-16 16111000 00 1100
Shoker1495175037-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Diggy19981904-596124 2412330100 266.7 133.3
preter1507150701111 1101100 1100 00
tintin16941702-6963 115225050 150 150
tbal172118081662914.5 290221000 2100 00
tes15161492-29178.5 170220100 2100 00
chtorrel15061489-1777 70110100 1100 00
cle16041430-17466 60110100 1100 00
Orange_Dude19491949-1442512.5 25022050 2100 00
wisefighter162216634199 90111000 1100 00
Tazzac16111571-139136.5 130220100 2100 00
Kanapka17351601-252157.5 150220100 2100 00
Semler19571892217-8-8 8111000 00 1100
zara17431759161010 100111000 1100 00
Krake14451438-755 50110100 1100 00
plk220411893333-14-7 14221000 00 2100
Kalisoo18081769-391010 100110100 1100 00
bartolini051475160212777 70111000 1100 00
Spelp21071926-415-1-0.5 910220100 150 150
jason198521871916-745-4-2 913220100 150 150
Haldiel19181914-58-1-0.5 1112225050 150 150
DrakeKing19361908223-8-8 8111000 00 1100
A_Good_Beginner17001626-7488 80110100 1100 00
hapiel139114435255 50111000 1100 00
balabala1413191678-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Gnork14421439-355 50110100 1100 00
BillWallace15441419-12555 50110100 1100 00
nagafono18501900-14-14-14 14110100 00 1100
Clavius134414147055 50111000 1100 00
hugeowl15251906-14-19-19 19110100 00 1100
Khaoschemer15321537566 60111000 1100 00
VieuxRhum15741574077 701100 1100 00
khorne-flakes182618892233511.7 350331000 3100 00
Ondrew1837194742-14-14 14111000 00 1100
Zorro1891190395102 3525541000 360 240
GaretJax146420151552-32-8 1042431000 125 375
isra1545157262136.5 130221000 2100 00
Przebudzony170917037710.3 1615336733 266.7 133.3
Fanjo19792103175175.7 2811331000 266.7 133.3
Radar1498149822175.7 17033670 3100 00
Koboldmaki15311420-331124 120330100 3100 00
Amyrlin16071972-25-12-6 517225050 150 150
Danniel_BR21691890-5472211 220220100 2100 00
suiren21671989-89-11-11 11110100 00 1100
jojo03061184130311933 30111000 1100 00
Poliuks17991772-50641 2016430100 375 125
sordan19831903-11993 2213330100 266.7 133.3
HODOR214020010-10-10 101100 00 1100
Ultimate135514216644 40111000 1100 00
Xplorer1630180617699 90111000 1100 00
Deletraz14941425-6944 40110100 1100 00
bartvernietiger16431540-10355 50110100 1100 00
Green_Arrow20321918-1141010 100110100 1100 00
Druid18902010-79-16-16 16110100 00 1100
unicorn18751603-27266 60110100 1100 00


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2025-01-13 20:39 UTC | 0.22183sec.