
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1314   (1505 / 1314) 8% 1 11 12 37 / -21 / -15.5 -9  (1 / -9) 4  (58% / 8%: 4 / NAN / 4) 8% (0 / 0 / 1)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 1 12.5 22 58%
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silutin (dot) yakovlev (at) gmail (dot) com 406604080 n/a n/a

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2010-02-24 18:00:11israThresher1323 (17)1314 (-17)176172173176- / 4-1NoDetails
2010-02-21 16:54:05kakarotoThresher1314 (18)1331 (-35)00175170- / --1NoDetails
2009-11-26 12:31:34andasThresher1394 (17)1366p (-33)14601420- / 4 W469Download (469)Details
2009-11-14 20:02:22akkonThresher1508 (14)1399p (-29)12601230- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-11-14 16:21:03GallifaxThresher2101 (3)1428p (-8)100100- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-11-11 20:37:44DruidThresher1668 (12)1436p (-23)810720- / 3460Download (460)Details
2009-11-11 18:38:22wivThresher1752 (10)1459p (-20)540540- / --1NoDetails
2009-11-09 02:20:42sordanThresher1978 (5)1479p (-13)180180- / --1NoDetails
2009-11-09 01:43:43sordanThresher1973 (5)1492p (-13)190180- / - W-1NoDetails
2009-11-08 14:29:53DruidThresher**1692 (12)1481p (-24)690630- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-11-08 13:02:44ThresherRiceMuncher1505p (37)1582 (-5)0990101- / 4 W467Download (467)Details
2009-11-08 11:27:39KnightKunibertThresher1685 (12)1468p (-24)720650- / 4 W448Download (448)Details
2009-11-08 10:08:40JanitorThresher2202 (2)1492p (-8)4040- / 4-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 11 || Average games/opponent: 1.09 || Total inflation: -1 031 || Games vs overrated: 33% || Games vs underrated: 67%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Janitor20591492143-8-8 8181000 00 1100
KnightKunibert1586146899-24-24 24181000 00 1100
RiceMuncher21361582-5543737 370180100 1100 00
sordan19831479-15-26-13 262170100 00 2100
wiv18771459-125-20-20 20180100 00 1100
Druid18901436-222-23-23 23180100 00 1100
Gallifax19461428155-8-8 8181000 00 1100
akkon1481139927-29-29 29181000 00 1100
andas14011366-7-33-33 33180100 00 1100
kakaroto16241331-310-35-35 35180100 00 1100
isra15451314-222-17-17 17180100 00 1100


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2024-09-08 01:06 UTC | 0.03772sec.