
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

United States of America

Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1534   (1585 / 1404) 38% 18 29 47 22 / -12 / 0.72 -5  (4 / -5) 5  (55% / 72%: 5 / 5 / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 56 65 86%
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Uses Stable version of Wesnoth & can usually play (UTC):

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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2011-06-13 21:45:23GreatWhiteNoobsalt1538 (17)1534 (-17)11001061075 / 5 W/L545Download (545)Details
2011-04-07 23:08:46Horussalt2008 (5)1551 (-7)23100221015 / 5 W532Download (532)Details
2011-04-05 07:35:19nelsonsalt2113 (3)1558 (-5)15015975 / 5 W/L528Download (528)Details
2010-12-29 01:38:57Naovysalt1444p (39)1563 (-5)000895 / 5 L564Download (564)Details
2010-11-23 06:56:10lorisalt1551 (17)1568 (-17)82798279- / 4 W/L-1NoDetails
2010-11-19 23:11:45saltKungfuRat1585 (15)1513p (-31)800800- / - W-1NoDetails
2010-11-18 00:47:31cernsalt1497p (37)1570 (-5)0820825 / 4 W/L-1NoDetails
2010-11-10 03:14:33saltCremember1575 (28)2198 (-14)864834- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-05 22:11:21saltJangGun1547 (17)1552 (-17)85818483- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-05 21:32:20saltJinGak1530 (18)1582 (-18)88768580- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-03 08:15:45Computer_Playersalt1692 (13)1512 (-13)628360855 / 5 W/L552Download (552)Details
2010-11-03 05:47:47elidosalt1932 (6)1525 (-8)30832983- / 5 W563Download (563)Details
2010-11-02 10:01:36Janitorsalt2153 (2)1533 (-5)8848845 / 5-1NoDetails
2010-11-02 05:50:08saltJinGak1538 (20)1673 (-20)85608464- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-10-30 13:43:31Kira1**salt2117 (2)1513 (-5)11851185- / --1NoDetails
2010-10-30 13:43:27Kira1salt2115 (2)1518 (-5)118411855 / --1NoDetails
2010-10-30 07:30:29saltAlaskanAvenger1523 (14)1394 (-14)869784101- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-10-30 06:30:37AlaskanAvengersalt1408 (19)1509 (-19)103839786- / 5 W/L554Download (554)Details
2010-10-29 06:26:49elidosalt1934 (6)1528 (-8)288128805 / 5 W/L552Download (552)Details
2010-10-17 07:17:56saltatoll1536 (16)1469p (-31)890860- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-10-15 21:27:54Martinisalt1548p (32)1520 (-4)0900915 / - L-1NoDetails
2010-10-08 04:47:35Cremembersalt2168 (2)1524 (-4)5875885 / 5 W/L560Download (560)Details
2010-10-08 03:20:29Cremembersalt2166 (2)1528 (-4)5885875 / 5 W/L560Download (560)Details
2010-10-08 02:15:16saltjogador1532 (10)1243 (-10)890880- / 2-1NoDetails
2010-10-07 04:08:34LichKingsalt1940 (6)1522 (-8)288927905 / 5 L524Download (524)Details
2010-10-05 04:31:02saltEli1530 (15)1470 (-15)9208998- / - W-1NoDetails
2010-10-01 23:19:36Glouksalt2026 (5)1515 (-6)09019925 / 5 W/L508Download (508)Details
2010-10-01 21:04:02saltjogador1521 (11)1261 (-11)900890- / --1NoDetails
2010-09-27 05:33:40Greensalt1564p (31)1510 (-4)0860865 / 3 W/L667Download (667)Details
2010-09-18 04:28:41enacuisalt2254 (2)1514 (-3)3873875 / -506Download (506)Details


Different opponents: 33 || Average games/opponent: 1.42 || Total inflation: -306 || Games vs overrated: 60% || Games vs underrated: 34%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
goiken1586141947-81-27 81361000 00 3100
LichKing187715221724623 548241000 150 150
zako21151464-29-9-9 9120100 00 1100
mjr13441404333-60-30 60241000 00 2100
elg1359135903131 3101200 1100 00
ajandoj13851391426331.5 630241000 2100 00
Adamacious14931532143-17-5.7 1936361000 133.3 266.7
ok-go15791451-26-14-14 14120100 00 1100
Xplorer1630144053-11-11 11121000 00 1100
Cremember24092198-9594812 568490100 250 250
antty15131475-381717 170120100 1100 00
merlin7413841476921616 160121000 1100 00
enacui2217151437-3-3 3121000 00 1100
Green156415100-4-4 41200 00 1100
jogador106112433822110.5 210241000 2100 00
Glouk1967151559-6-6 6121000 00 1100
Eli14261470441515 150121000 1100 00
Martini16541520-106-4-4 4120100 00 1100
atoll1469146901616 1601200 1100 00
elido21491525-432-16-8 16240100 00 2100
AlaskanAvenger14941394-186-5-2.5 1419240100 150 150
Kira122781518-163-5-5 5120100 00 1100
JinGak155515821453819 380241000 2100 00
Janitor2059153394-5-5 5121000 00 1100
Computer_Player17211512-29-13-13 13120100 00 1100
JangGun14721552801717 170121000 1100 00
cern1477157020-5-5 5121000 00 1100
KungfuRat14811513321515 150121000 1100 00
lori15981568-47-17-17 17120100 00 1100
Naovy18561563-412-5-5 5120100 00 1100
nelson20021558111-5-5 5121000 00 1100
Horus18381551170-7-7 7121000 00 1100
GreatWhiteNoob1473153465-17-17 17121000 00 1100


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2024-10-18 04:07 UTC | 0.13498sec.