pilot (blocked or not added yet)

(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

No Country

Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1578   (1603 / 1275) 50% 50 50 100 18 / -13 / 0.78 1  (12 / -7) 4  (14% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 15% (14 / 3 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 8 125 144 87%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2017-12-27 14:14:01pilot**ShadowVeil1606 (28)2222 (-14)30102910- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-26 17:03:44pilot**zako1604 (26)2102 (-13)3003015- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-26 16:41:24pilot**ShadowVeil1606 (28)2222 (-14)3183010- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-26 13:15:35pilot**NarajinX1605 (27)2189 (-14)3303111- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-26 12:54:35pilot**Goldilocks1606 (28)2260 (-14)340337- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-26 12:33:16pilot**Demogorgon1606 (28)2218 (-14)330349- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-26 12:09:58pilot**Kolbur1606 (28)2263 (-14)330336- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-26 11:48:47pilot**ShadowVeil1606 (28)2222 (-14)340336- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-26 11:28:05pilot**Kira11607 (29)2302 (-14)360345- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-25 22:13:07pilot**The_Black_Sword1607 (29)2379 (-15)350362- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-25 21:52:13pilot**leocrotta1607 (29)2307 (-14)360352- / --1NoDetails
2017-12-25 21:31:38pilot**Castoridae1608 (30)2429 (-15)00361- / --1NoDetails
2016-02-08 11:06:09pilotDziadek1578 (10)1286p (-20)400400- / - W589Download (589)Details
2016-02-04 08:59:09mieszkopilot2027 (5)1568 (-7)840840- / -679Download (679)Details
2016-02-03 22:18:51Pursue_Beautypilot1402p (42)1575 (-5)039039- / - W657Download (657)Details
2016-02-01 15:32:42mieszkopilot2016 (5)1580 (-7)1041941- / -706Download (706)Details
2016-02-01 12:19:10kapcerzpilot1508p (38)1587 (-5)041041- / 4 W714Download (714)Details
2016-01-30 17:48:55pilotgracz1592 (4)882 (-4)400400- / -656Download (656)Details
2016-01-30 17:17:22pilotkazik1588 (22)1800 (-16)4004027- / -690Download (690)Details
2016-01-30 15:53:13pilotkapcerz1566 (15)1470p (-30)410400- / -680Download (680)Details
2016-01-29 14:13:54pilotwingsfalcon1551 (10)1239 (-10)400400- / -618Download (618)Details
2016-01-29 12:38:32pilotwingsfalcon1541 (10)1249 (-10)400400- / -629Download (629)Details
2016-01-28 11:33:39pilotDziadek1531 (12)1306p (-23)400400- / -606Download (606)Details
2016-01-28 11:12:56pilotDziadek1519 (13)1329p (-25)410400- / -573Download (573)Details
2016-01-26 18:07:36Solymos-HUNpilot2080 (4)1506 (-5)541541- / 5527Download (527)Details
2016-01-26 16:56:22ElderofZionpilot1905 (6)1511 (-8)20412041- / -486Download (486)Details
2016-01-26 11:58:47pilotwingsfalcon1519 (11)1259 (-11)400400- / -617Download (617)Details
2016-01-24 20:41:46pilotSolymos-HUN1508 (27)2076 (-21)384364- / - W468Download (468)Details
2016-01-24 11:52:54cold-steelpilot1641p (26)1481 (-3)038038- / -554Download (554)Details
2016-01-22 20:52:50cold-steelpilot1590p (29)1484 (-4)037037- / -549Download (549)Details


Different opponents: 43 || Average games/opponent: 2.33 || Total inflation: -4 507 || Games vs overrated: 49% || Games vs underrated: 42%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
freesole1559147128-29-29 29111000 00 1100
dragonlx1860145880-13-13 13111000 00 1100
mieszko21001568-3905-169-12.1 16914140100 00 14100
AssassinT9017441588-97-33-16.5 33220100 00 2100
kazik18001800-669-20-6.7 224233067 133.3 266.7
Tzar130513362037525 750331000 3100 00
adriano14841275-264-90-30 90330100 00 3100
Ar-Pharazon14251425343718.5 37022500 2100 00
Jeronym15251308-72-13-13 13110100 00 1100
embe135113512547414.8 74055800 5100 00
Bardek1370137001818 1801100 1100 00
Arnatos14251425363718.5 37022500 2100 00
Markus9212741315411616 160111000 1100 00
Dziadek1286128668010813.5 108088880 8100 00
WladDraco11761227577192.4 6445881000 675 225
Logster131513451384113.7 410331000 3100 00
jake_mind1609149029-13-13 13111000 00 1100
Semler1957148469-6-6 6111000 00 1100
Irmao-Verdade13971389-81414 140110100 1100 00
Rigor20291503274-8-4 8221000 00 2100
moloch13971346-511313 130110100 1100 00
HarvesterOfSorrow13861401762814 280221000 2100 00
Schlamarcel16211457-1641313 130110100 1100 00
CoolDude1264130286-13-6.5 1023221000 150 150
BubkaBog15481513-160-53-17.7 53330100 00 3100
argentino17581548-420-34-17 34220100 00 2100
Druid18901522-37-9-9 9110100 00 1100
Turio_Wen1619151980-3-3 3111000 00 1100
badmanner1469146901616 1601100 1100 00
Insinuator18391530-329-17-17 17110100 00 1100
Reksio12291229112211 22022500 2100 00
Miszcz17281482131-8-8 8111000 00 1100
Solymos-HUN1935150635292.3 2718447525 125 375
diomed21591487-606-4-4 4110100 00 1100
unicorn18751868-72525 250110100 1100 00
darkiller108512141291010 100111000 1100 00
KAROLISKLT1459145901717 1701100 1100 00
cold-steel18051481-623-11-3.7 11330100 00 3100
wingsfalcon12291239603110.3 310331000 3100 00
ElderofZion21941511-289-8-8 8110100 00 1100
kapcerz15501587-122105 155220100 150 150
gracz8698821344 40111000 1100 00
Pursue_Beauty14671575-65-5-5 5110100 00 1100


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2025-01-23 15:04 UTC | 0.14262sec.