
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1550   (1562 / 1442) 43% 12 16 28 25 / -15 / 1.79 -1  (2 / -4) 5  (50% / 39%: 4 / NAN / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 34 35 99%
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kapcerz (at) gmail (dot) com n/a n/a n/a

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Uses Stable version of Wesnoth & can usually play (UTC):

Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Night

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2016-12-03 12:45:44MasterBaokapcerz1762 (12)1550 (-12)29442845- / -582Download (582)Details
2016-12-01 20:36:58kapcerzpotyi-HUN1562 (19)1662 (-19)47354535- / 5 W571Download (571)Details
2016-11-30 19:56:19kapcerzTropt1543 (24)1874 (-18)45204521- / 5 W560Download (560)Details
2016-11-29 20:14:08Troptkapcerz1878 (7)1519 (-9)22462246- / 5-1NoDetails
2016-11-28 20:00:53kapcerznight_nistic1528 (18)1591 (-18)46394641- / 5 W571Download (571)Details
2016-11-27 12:48:07Sifu_Mesterkapcerz1705 (12)1510 (-12)3503444- / --1NoDetails
2016-04-19 14:03:39ForPeacekapcerz1470 (18)1522 (-18)43394239- / 5601Download (601)Details
2016-04-17 14:11:00kapcerzKnightKuni1540 (23)1822 (-17)392239245 / 4 W596Download (596)Details
2016-04-16 17:12:53ForPeacekapcerz1429 (19)1517 (-19)4304439- / 5 W1008Download (1008)Details
2016-03-15 20:03:59Solymos-HUNkapcerz1991 (5)1536 (-7)14411441- / 5650Download (650)Details
2016-03-08 17:44:35kapcerzForPeace1543 (15)1444p (-30)400400- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2016-03-03 18:44:57Caritaskapcerz2077 (4)1528 (-6)743743- / 5627Download (627)Details
2016-03-02 20:55:44kapcerzAerthis1534 (15)1443p (-30)430430- / - W755Download (755)Details
2016-03-02 18:23:56kapcerzHaldiel1519 (26)2000 (-20)44134314- / 5 W650Download (650)Details
2016-03-02 16:05:20Computer_Playerkapcerz1894 (6)1493 (-8)20451944- / 4 W597Download (597)Details
2016-02-10 23:11:46Madakapcerz1896 (6)1501 (-8)22432043- / 5 W736Download (736)Details
2016-02-10 22:07:11Madakapcerz1890 (6)1509 (-8)22422243- / 5 W711Download (711)Details
2016-02-10 01:30:00kapcerzlelouch1517 (30)1406p (-30)00420- / 4 W689Download (689)Details
2016-02-08 14:41:59Fanjokapcerz2006 (5)1487p (-12)130130- / 5-1NoDetails
2016-02-08 00:56:03kapcerzpovc1499p (25)1306 (-3)051051- / 5 W687Download (687)Details
2016-02-06 00:59:17kapcerzPursue_Beauty1474p (32)1446 (-4)0450455 / 5707Download (707)Details
2016-02-05 23:44:34Pursue_Beautykapcerz1450 (17)1442p (-34)450450- / 5 W688Download (688)Details
2016-02-05 21:32:13Fraktalakapcerz1601p (29)1476p (-29)0000- / -658Download (658)Details
2016-02-05 00:45:49Madakapcerz1884 (6)1505p (-17)220210- / 5734Download (734)Details
2016-02-04 20:02:41Madakapcerz1878 (7)1522p (-18)220220- / 5 W687Download (687)Details
2016-02-01 21:17:45kapcerzfood4bots1540p (32)1495 (-4)044044- / 2 W625Download (625)Details
2016-02-01 12:19:10kapcerzpilot1508p (38)1587 (-5)041041- / 4 W743Download (743)Details
2016-01-30 15:53:13pilotkapcerz1566 (15)1470p (-30)410400- / -708Download (708)Details


Different opponents: 20 || Average games/opponent: 1.4 || Total inflation: -1 028 || Games vs overrated: 36% || Games vs underrated: 61%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
pilot15781587-384 3830275050 150 150
food4bots15191495-243232 320140100 1100 00
Mada19161501-116-51-12.8 514140100 00 4100
Fraktala160114760-29-29 291400 00 1100
Pursue_Beauty14671446-38-2-1 3234270100 150 150
povc12641306422525 250141000 1100 00
Fanjo1979148727-12-12 12141000 00 1100
lelouch13941406123030 300141000 1100 00
Computer_Player17211493173-8-8 8141000 00 1100
Haldiel19112000892626 260141000 1100 00
Aerthis13691443741515 150141000 1100 00
Caritas22071528-130-6-6 6140100 00 1100
ForPeace18941522-1339-22-7.3 15373110100 133.3 266.7
Solymos-HUN1935153656-7-7 7141000 00 1100
KnightKuni152118223012323 230141000 1100 00
Sifu_Mester17311510-26-12-12 12140100 00 1100
night_nistic129615912951818 180141000 1100 00
Tropt20761874-400157.5 249270100 150 150
potyi-HUN16711662-91919 190140100 1100 00
MasterBao17741550-12-12-12 12140100 00 1100


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Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

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2025-02-07 14:42 UTC | 0.07402sec.