
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1534   (1556 / 1421) 40% 39 58 97 17 / -11 / 0.35 -2  (3 / -7) 4  (55% / 41%: 3 / 5 / 3) 13% (0 / 0 / 15)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 7 116.5 122 95%
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swrnjtbs (at) gmail (dot) com n/a n/a n/a

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Uses Stable version of Wesnoth & can usually play (UTC):

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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2016-05-31 11:14:28CyBiOswrnjtbs1979 (5)1534 (-7)1701743- / 5-1NoDetails
2014-01-23 11:23:57SolymosHUNswrnjtbs**1603 (15)1526 (-15)7306879- / 1545Download (545)Details
2013-10-12 14:07:21jo1swrnjtbs1619 (15)1541 (-15)6306272- / --1NoDetails
2013-09-01 12:07:09swrnjtbssoad1556 (14)1427p (-28)720690- / 4 W609Download (609)Details
2013-08-31 18:20:42swrnjtbsbogsy1542 (17)1530 (-17)73707173- / 3 W571Download (571)Details
2013-08-23 21:56:34swrnjtbsTheEmptyLord1525 (13)1367 (-27)7106885- / 4 W609Download (609)Details
2013-08-17 18:56:21Schlamarcelswrnjtbs**1609 (14)1498 (-14)60715972- / 3 W515Download (515)Details
2013-08-08 17:30:57bartvernietigerswrnjtbs1591 (15)1512 (-15)58655666- / 5565Download (565)Details
2013-08-03 18:49:01swrnjtbsdondy1527 (15)1419p (-29)660640- / 4 W593Download (593)Details
2013-08-01 14:24:11Green_Arrowswrnjtbs1946 (5)1512 (-7)27672668- / 4532Download (532)Details
2013-07-27 13:26:39Koboldmakiswrnjtbs1465 (18)1519 (-18)71627064- / 5 W540Download (540)Details
2013-07-27 10:46:18Deathswrnjtbs1673 (13)1537 (-13)47594762- / 4 W640Download (640)Details
2013-07-27 10:44:58Death**swrnjtbs1673 (13)1537 (-13)47624763- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2013-07-27 10:43:28Death**swrnjtbs1673 (13)1537 (-13)47594762- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2013-07-26 20:24:33IntroVERTswrnjtbs1452 (38)1550 (-5)71596963- / - W523Download (523)Details
2013-07-26 18:35:52IntroVERTswrnjtbs**1452 (38)1550 (-5)0597159- / - W529Download (529)Details
2013-07-26 18:34:58swrnjtbsIntroVERT1555 (14)1414p (-27)630630- / 4 W500Download (500)Details
2013-07-25 21:29:27bartvernietigerswrnjtbs**1523 (17)1524 (-17)65626462- / 5 W542Download (542)Details
2013-07-24 19:15:44panicmanicswrnjtbs1793 (11)1541 (-11)37593662- / -521Download (521)Details
2013-07-22 17:52:33swrnjtbsHilquias8161552 (15)1470p (-30)630600- / 3 W493Download (493)Details
2013-07-22 14:35:52swrnjtbspelaaja1537 (15)1437p (-29)640620- / 1 W650Download (650)Details
2013-07-22 14:19:12Ikerpetaswrnjtbs2001 (5)1522 (-7)20622064- / 4462Download (462)Details
2013-07-22 12:52:51swrnjtbsIntroVERT1529 (15)1426p (-29)650620- / 4 W474Download (474)Details
2013-07-21 15:49:14swrnjtbsOink1514 (16)1477 (-16)65676468- / 4 W786Download (786)Details
2013-07-18 13:11:53krackswrnjtbs1886 (6)1498 (-8)31643064- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2013-07-17 19:48:50Ikerpetaswrnjtbs1966 (5)1506 (-7)20612061- / 3463Download (463)Details
2013-07-17 14:10:09Green_Arrowswrnjtbs1906 (6)1513 (-8)0602761- / 3 W485Download (485)Details
2013-07-16 18:34:47NanRoigswrnjtbs1621 (14)1521 (-14)48584759- / 3 W462Download (462)Details
2013-07-16 15:25:06swrnjtbsLets_Go1535 (16)1469p (-31)580570- / 4 W485Download (485)Details
2013-07-15 20:32:43panicmanicswrnjtbs1742 (12)1519 (-12)41554156- / -453Download (453)Details


Different opponents: 78 || Average games/opponent: 1.24 || Total inflation: -3 798 || Games vs overrated: 33% || Games vs underrated: 57%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Diggy19981490-392-41-13.7 41330100 00 3100
Bonobo20551471-54-12-12 12110100 00 1100
Terror17161440-208-31-31 31110100 00 1100
Kral19401421-188-19-19 19110100 00 1100
Pholy13591347-123030 300110100 1100 00
Colobarus14161432163333 330111000 1100 00
kio1495145346-31-31 31111000 00 1100
Honor2002144333-10-10 10111000 00 1100
Danyo12831300172727 270111000 1100 00
fra_dolcino1298130792626 260111000 1100 00
dalron153114760-4-4 41100 00 1100
Durkain1441144101616 1601100 1100 00
mjr1344147330-19-19 19111000 00 1100
un1ted16221577-451919 190110100 1100 00
mattweber1737148217-10-10 10111000 00 1100
Balanceguardian17281718-102222 220110100 1100 00
jogador1061117211199 90111000 1100 00
cle16041498-12-15-15 15110100 00 1100
Spelp21071519-437-20-6.7 20330100 00 3100
Rabbitz13201330101313 130111000 1100 00
csarmi19711485-90-8-8 8110100 00 1100
uio16831425-43-24-12 24220100 00 2100
yra1111491145888-14-14 14111000 00 1100
Jeronym15251440-131-18-18 18110100 00 1100
Winterkrieg16121436-100-4-4 4110100 00 1100
Natpy1474142117-4-4 4111000 00 1100
abhijit19881418-5701616 160110100 1100 00
zenzsei15661426106-11-11 11111000 00 1100
Margelius1465146501818 1801100 1100 00
panicmanic17341541-155-38-12.7 38336733 00 3100
Abstract12111201102311.5 230225050 2100 00
Koboldmaki15311519-435-23-7.7 1336330100 133.3 266.7
ikomizo15461256-2901212 120110100 1100 00
PoorRIchard16831424-24-11-11 11110100 00 1100
Kalango1374137401515 1501100 1100 00
Diasporoz170314390-11-11 111100 00 1100
HalfBat15281435-7-4-4 4110100 00 1100
frodo42144016341942121 210111000 1100 00
suiren21671447-159-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Sulik163714350-12-12 121100 00 1100
Lady_Marian1682142522-10-10 10111000 00 1100
GaretJax1464149010272110.5 276221000 150 150
AchmedTheCat16531581-6963 1812225050 150 150
8equalequal317591436-243-4-4 4110100 00 1100
jacklanton14341460261717 170111000 1100 00
Overmind14571468-22-1-0.5 1617225050 150 150
Odin1393139301616 1601100 1100 00
Iwontbecreative15221448-35-4-4 4110100 00 1100
nickycr114361424-121616 160110100 1100 00
Ikerpeta21041522-822-33-8.3 33440100 00 4100
amikrop120791476-79-6-6 6110100 00 1100
gumbete1544155281818 180111000 1100 00
Xmax12211297761212 120111000 1100 00
Mrzinzin19361496-129-10-10 10110100 00 1100
Nuliflyer1519151901717 1701100 1100 00
Mada19161511-34-8-8 8110100 00 1100
tarasbulba135314681151616 160111000 1100 00
Etroran14941469-251616 160110100 1100 00
tidish153415310-4-4 41100 00 1100
essakhi13721407351414 140111000 1100 00
Xplorer16301535177-10-10 10111000 00 1100
owl15211531-6-4-4 4110100 00 1100
Lets_Go16501469-1811616 160110100 1100 00
NanRoig19441521-323-14-14 14110100 00 1100
Green_Arrow20321512-212-15-7.5 15220100 00 2100
krack19351498-49-8-8 8110100 00 1100
Oink136014771171616 160111000 1100 00
IntroVERT15661550-406248 295330100 266.7 133.3
pelaaja133314371041515 150111000 1100 00
Hilquias81615001470-301515 150110100 1100 00
Death18091537-136-13-13 13110100 00 1100
dondy1419141901515 1501100 1100 00
bartvernietiger16431512-52-15-15 15110100 00 1100
TheEmptyLord13761367-91313 130110100 1100 00
bogsy14491530811717 170111000 1100 00
soad14161427111414 140111000 1100 00
jo118651541-246-15-15 15110100 00 1100
CyBiO17981534181-7-7 7111000 00 1100


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2024-10-22 00:13 UTC | 0.3774sec.