
Need at least a) 10 played games b) 1 games in the 30 recent days and c) 1300 Elo to become ranked.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(unranked) 1211   (1228 / 1146) 15% 14 77 91 22 / -8 / -3.18 1  (2 / -32) 5  (77% / 25%: 5 / 4 / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 6 98 102 97%
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anilrs87 (at) gmail (dot) com n/a n/a n/a

Available to play

Uses Stable version of Wesnoth & can usually play (UTC):

Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Night

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2014-05-09 15:55:37AbstractkhiM1211 (28)1812 (-21)028030- / 5-1NoDetails
2014-05-09 13:01:30khiMAbstract1833 (3)1183 (-4)00280- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2014-05-06 09:14:15XmaxAbstract1239 (15)1187 (-15)0000- / 5 W601Download (601)Details
2014-05-03 13:21:16SolymosAbstract1721 (6)1202 (-6)390370- / 5628Download (628)Details
2014-05-03 13:06:05AbstractTintagel1208 (17)1209 (-17)0000- / 3704Download (704)Details
2014-05-03 12:02:37AbstractTintagel1191 (18)1226 (-18)0000- / 5-1NoDetails
2014-04-28 08:01:29FanjoAbstract2008 (2)1173 (-3)150150- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-09-24 04:10:24PriscylaAbstract1573p (16)1176 (-2)0000- / 3770Download (770)Details
2013-09-20 04:04:33HonorAbstract1988 (2)1178 (-3)230230- / --1NoDetails
2013-09-16 21:03:55enhancedAbstract1737 (6)1181 (-6)550540- / - W-1NoDetails
2013-09-11 12:54:50jo1Abstract1580 (8)1187 (-8)730730- / --1NoDetails
2013-09-11 10:13:46TheBlackThunderX9Abstract1583p (16)1195 (-2)00001 / 1 W-1NoDetails
2013-09-11 09:41:07TheBlackThunderX9Abstract1567p (17)1197 (-2)00002 / 3 W-1NoDetails
2013-09-09 12:38:22TheBlackThunderX9Abstract1519p (19)1199 (-2)00001 / 3 W-1NoDetails
2013-09-07 03:10:20iceiceiceAbstract1622p (15)1201 (-2)0000- / 4 W633Download (633)Details
2013-09-04 06:21:21iceiceiceAbstract1586p (17)1203 (-2)0000- / 5 W634Download (634)Details
2013-09-03 21:31:43TheEmptyLordAbstract1342 (14)1205 (-14)900890- / 4 W744Download (744)Details
2013-09-03 20:41:46AbstractTheEmptyLord1219 (19)1328 (-19)089090- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-09-03 16:48:50KnightKuniAbstract1592 (8)1200 (-8)6506505 / 5-1NoDetails
2013-09-03 04:20:08AbstractTheEmptyLord1208 (20)1347 (-20)088089- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-09-02 17:46:42AbstractZenyhooubbit1188 (21)1352 (-21)0890905 / 5742Download (742)Details
2013-09-01 17:23:22ZenyhooubbitAbstract1373 (12)1167 (-12)890880- / 5735Download (735)Details
2013-07-17 16:06:26Lich_LordAbstract1739 (5)1179 (-5)450450- / 5 W666Download (666)Details
2013-06-23 18:21:48thefishAbstract2119 (1)1184 (-2)110110- / - W635Download (635)Details
2013-06-23 15:38:01UndertakerAbstract2039 (2)1186 (-3)160160- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-06-19 14:52:48AbstractOvermind1189 (22)1411 (-22)078081- / 5 W668Download (668)Details
2013-06-19 07:34:59jacklantonAbstract1477 (10)1167 (-10)730730- / 4730Download (730)Details
2013-06-17 16:09:19OvermindAbstract1440 (11)1177 (-11)810790- / 5570Download (570)Details
2013-06-17 15:32:57AbstractOvermind1188 (22)1429 (-22)079081- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-06-13 04:18:32Abstracttrebont1166 (20)1299 (-20)09000- / 5 W-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 50 || Average games/opponent: 1.82 || Total inflation: -6 179 || Games vs overrated: 37% || Games vs underrated: 59%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
vandal21891243-152-11-5.5 11220100 00 2100
Bonobo2055122880-12-6 12221000 00 2100
Mrzinzin19361248-435-45-11.3 45440100 00 4100
Gallifax19461408-217-43-14.3 43330100 00 3100
nelson2002142146-9-9 9111000 00 1100
abhijit19881320-1615-88-29.3 88330100 00 3100
MAze16031280-166-9-3 9330100 00 3100
khiM18331812322132.6 2815556020 120 480
brasimon17011283-161-11-11 11110100 00 1100
NanRoig19441211-873-22-11 22220100 00 2100
Spelp21071197-32-5-2.5 5220100 00 2100
GaretJax14641257314-6-6 6111000 00 1100
Cremember24091252-65-1-1 1110100 00 1100
Amyrlin16071630-664715.7 503336733 266.7 133.3
swrnjtbs15341201-177-23-11.5 23220100 00 2100
Northman1250121211-16-16 16111000 00 1100
amikrop15271220157-24-8 24331000 00 3100
Undertaker19051186336-9-3 9331000 00 3100
mae119031174-913-16-5.3 16330100 00 3100
Deejanos20001199-1220105 2313220100 150 150
pollo16371212-11-8-8 8110100 00 1100
Oook22101209-92-2-2 2110100 00 1100
Saka18251194-7-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Lanfear14831191-15-3-3 3110100 00 1100
elfprince1392139202121 2101100 1100 00
Computer_Player17211201-135-8-8 8110100 00 1100
Loial1644118138-20-6.7 20331000 00 3100
Revuelto17501167-126-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Carmen19161162-164-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Zinnsoldat1489115477-8-8 8111000 00 1100
Zenyhooubbit13991352-121276.8 4215442575 250 250
AchmedTheCat16531165-2-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Asmodean1638115911-6-6 6111000 00 1100
trebont129912992073.5 201322500 150 150
Overmind14571411-913311 4411330100 266.7 133.3
jacklanton1434116743-10-10 10111000 00 1100
thefish2085118434-2-2 2111000 00 1100
Lich_Lord19961179-257-5-5 5110100 00 1100
TheEmptyLord13761205-111258.3 3914330100 266.7 133.3
KnightKuni1521120071-8-8 8111000 00 1100
iceiceice18391201-470-4-2 4220100 00 2100
TheBlackThunderX914781195235-6-2 6331000 00 3100
jo118651187-285-8-8 8110100 00 1100
enhanced17931181-56-6-6 6110100 00 1100
Honor20021178-14-3-3 3110100 00 1100
Priscyla1549117624-2-2 2111000 00 1100
Fanjo1979117329-3-3 3111000 00 1100
Tintagel109612092433517.5 350221000 2100 00
Solymos19601202-239-6-6 6110100 00 1100
Xmax1221118718-15-15 15111000 00 1100


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2025-01-23 15:00 UTC | 0.19591sec.