
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1654   (1654 / 1491) 41% 24 34 58 23 / -12 / 2.66 1  (3 / -5) 5  (59% / 41%: 5 / NAN / 5) 2% (1 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 5 70 83 85%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2023-11-17 09:09:31Godbeastclaudio71654 (21)1854 (-16)0162716- / 5 W245Download (245)Details
2023-09-29 08:38:15MYFHGodbeast1990 (7)1633 (-9)100925- / 5241Download (241)Details
2023-08-10 14:32:38SkyEndGodbeast2342 (2)1642 (-4)116116- / 5-1NoDetails
2023-08-06 11:16:08SkyEndGodbeast2344 (2)1646 (-4)115115- / 5-1NoDetails
2023-07-14 11:56:42Godbeastziyecheng0001650 (13)1474p (-26)00160- / 5301Download (301)Details
2023-06-13 17:50:31Godbeasthitandrun1637 (23)1908 (-17)114114- / 5282Download (282)Details
2023-06-12 18:54:23SkyEndGodbeast2313 (2)1614 (-4)111111- / 5310Download (310)Details
2023-06-11 13:33:05Weiming_LiuGodbeast2006 (6)1618 (-8)211211- / 5 W308Download (308)Details
2023-06-05 14:23:28MYFHGodbeast1891 (8)1626 (-11)5959- / 5-1NoDetails
2023-06-05 13:30:21GodbeastMYFH1637 (22)1883 (-17)95955 / 5 W307Download (307)Details
2023-05-31 17:41:54Godbeasthitandrun1615 (23)1908 (-17)0484- / 5307Download (307)Details
2023-04-20 15:14:16hitandrunGodbeast1905 (7)1592 (-10)011612- / 5 W364Download (364)Details
2023-04-16 07:37:30StonyDrewGodbeast1952 (7)1602 (-9)50511- / 5 W350Download (350)Details
2023-02-23 11:40:13Godbeasthitandrun1611 (23)1898 (-17)001913- / 5 W305Download (305)Details
2022-09-29 12:32:58ubwGodbeast1775 (12)1588 (-12)14181418- / 5 W369Download (369)Details
2022-09-27 15:48:41hitandrunGodbeast1977 (6)1600 (-8)60618- / 5364Download (364)Details
2022-06-03 08:05:02hitandrunGodbeast1981 (6)1608 (-8)613613- / 5415Download (415)Details
2022-06-03 07:31:18hitandrunGodbeast1975 (7)1616 (-9)613613- / 5379Download (379)Details
2022-05-13 14:47:49Godbeasthitandrun1625 (24)1952 (-18)196196- / 5435Download (435)Details
2022-05-09 12:43:36GodbeastJago1601 (14)1476 (-14)20251925- / 5445Download (445)Details
2022-04-28 15:39:20DanieleMurgioniGodbeast2002 (6)1587 (-8)521521- / -363Download (363)Details
2022-04-28 12:20:01hitandrunGodbeast1948 (7)1595 (-9)820821- / 5372Download (372)Details
2022-04-20 12:53:23GodbeastSkyEnd1604 (28)2210 (-14)2422125 / 5 L373Download (373)Details
2022-04-02 07:18:49ERROR1025Godbeast1398p (42)1576 (-5)025025- / 3 W420Download (420)Details
2022-04-01 06:51:24GodbeastERROR10251581 (12)1356p (-23)230230- / 5390Download (390)Details
2022-03-25 11:59:25hitandrunGodbeast1930 (6)1569 (-9)720720- / 5426Download (426)Details
2022-03-22 16:16:13hitandrunGodbeast1906 (7)1578 (-9)00718- / 5410Download (410)Details
2022-02-15 19:53:07Godbeast**CL4pTP1601 (14)1472p (-28)190190- / 5425Download (425)Details
2022-02-02 10:12:05hitandrunGodbeast1904 (7)1587 (-9)001425- / 5453Download (453)Details
2021-12-11 14:01:24hitandrunGodbeast1920 (7)1596 (-9)16301631- / 5413Download (413)Details


Different opponents: 19 || Average games/opponent: 3.05 || Total inflation: -125 || Games vs overrated: 52% || Games vs underrated: 48%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
dzomba159215083284 3931235050 150 150
hitandrun18901908560-16-0.7 16017622388218 627.3 1672.7
ziyecheng15921575-1286813.6 10133590100 360 240
shortcat17191703-1185326.5 530230100 2100 00
StonyDrew1739160284-44-22 44235050 00 2100
ubw18411588-11194.5 2112230100 150 150
Arpus18491602-93-13-13 13120100 00 1100
vvd1478162131421 1715231000 150 150
Ben2462619201589-264-15-15 15120100 00 1100
wtf_is_this147015892543316.5 330231000 2100 00
Zinnsoldat14891605171124 3018351000 266.7 133.3
ERROR102514051576-5673.5 125230100 150 150
SkyEnd24481642-583164 2812470100 125 375
DanieleMurgioni21301587-128-8-8 8120100 00 1100
Jago14791476-31414 140120100 1100 00
MYFH1859163318720.7 2220351000 133.3 266.7
Weiming_Liu20211618-15-8-8 8120100 00 1100
ziyecheng00015781474-1041313 130120100 1100 00
claudio719781854-1242121 210120100 1100 00


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2025-01-25 22:18 UTC | 0.07318sec.