
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1585   (1668 / 1558) 44% 7 9 16 36 / -19 / 5.31 -2  (3 / -4) 5  (56% / 44%: 5 / NAN / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 1 19.5 22 91%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2021-01-23 18:16:58Danniel_BRluffytaro2218 (2)1585 (-5)442444- / --1NoDetails
2021-01-23 17:32:41Danniel_BRluffytaro2216 (2)1590 (-5)442442- / - W372Download (372)Details
2021-01-23 16:26:52luffytaro2LettersSho1595 (13)1424p (-26)4404205 / 5435Download (435)Details
2021-01-23 15:10:21Danniel_BRluffytaro2231 (2)1582 (-4)342344- / - W387Download (387)Details
2021-01-23 13:51:55luffytaroDanniel_BR1586 (28)2229 (-14)443423- / 5 L373Download (373)Details
2021-01-23 06:08:09Glenluffytaro1532p (36)1558 (-36)00043- / 5 W430Download (430)Details
2021-01-23 00:38:40Lukraakluffytaro1585 (17)1594p (-35)00420- / 5 W405Download (405)Details
2021-01-22 22:01:32CrossBreedluffytaro1812 (13)1629p (-25)00300- / 5 W500Download (500)Details
2021-01-22 21:59:46mattoluffytaro2123 (3)1654p (-14)9090- / 5 W387Download (387)Details
2021-01-22 16:57:23luffytaroCaritas1668p (54)2178 (-3)0505- / 5394Download (394)Details
2021-01-22 06:23:49luffytarotillanz1614p (28)1472p (-28)0000- / 5424Download (424)Details
2021-01-22 02:23:55Drakulaluffytaro1636 (16)1586p (-32)380370- / 5 W443Download (443)Details
2021-01-21 22:51:50mattoluffytaro2120 (3)1618p (-13)100100- / 5 W359Download (359)Details
2021-01-21 20:38:09luffytaromatto1631p (53)2117 (-3)0100105 / 5 L437Download (437)Details
2021-01-20 05:07:33luffytaroDrakeKing1578p (53)2080 (-5)011011- / 5402Download (402)Details
2021-01-17 17:21:02luffytaroclmates1525p (25)1350 (-3)0460464 / 5 L370Download (370)Details


Different opponents: 11 || Average games/opponent: 1.45 || Total inflation: 733 || Games vs overrated: 75% || Games vs underrated: 19%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
clmates16091350-2592525 250160100 1100 00
DrakeKing193620801445353 530161000 1100 00
matto19601654480268.7 53273191000 133.3 266.7
Drakula163615860-32-32 321600 00 1100
tillanz1466147262828 280161000 1100 00
Caritas22072178-295454 540160100 1100 00
CrossBreed1729162983-25-25 25161000 00 1100
Lukraak15871594-2-35-35 35160100 00 1100
Glen1508155824-36-36 36161000 00 1100
Danniel_BR21691585218143.5 28144251000 125 375
2LettersSho13561424681313 130161000 1100 00


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2025-02-07 14:58 UTC | 0.03839sec.