
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

United States of America

Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1659   (1859 / 1398) 52% 65 59 124 14 / -12 / 1.28 -6  (9 / -6) 5  (46% / 54%: 4 / 5 / 4) 2% (0 / 2 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Soldier 9 156.5 168 93%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2020-12-08 19:17:23Troptqqq1980 (7)1659 (-9)80826- / 5-1NoDetails
2017-09-22 17:57:47Troptqqq1989 (7)1668 (-9)921922- / -503Download (503)Details
2017-09-17 20:37:45Troptqqq2005 (7)1677 (-9)90821- / 5 W522Download (522)Details
2016-01-12 23:04:03Danniel_BRqqq2139 (3)1686 (-7)30334- / -535Download (535)Details
2014-11-29 19:40:02Gautepauteqqq2051 (7)1693 (-9)13421343- / 4567Download (567)Details
2014-11-28 21:03:28Gautepauteqqq2047 (7)1702 (-9)1301344- / 4587Download (587)Details
2014-02-08 18:16:47qqqtoon3101711 (12)1528 (-12)48714671- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2014-01-18 22:20:16qqqKnightKuni1699 (15)1641 (-15)555854605 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-12-27 09:01:31SmartSwordqqq1835 (10)1684 (-13)3603553- / 5678Download (678)Details
2013-03-30 19:58:01qqqPiko5551697 (10)1407 (-10)548851885 / 4 W/L-1NoDetails
2013-03-30 02:28:16GaretJaxqqq1951 (8)1687 (-11)27542655- / 5 W580Download (580)Details
2013-03-26 16:13:08amikrop1qqq1649p (36)1698 (-5)054055- / 5 W562Download (562)Details
2013-03-25 00:04:37Castoridaeqqq2275 (3)1703 (-5)654654- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-03-24 19:36:42qqqamikrop1708 (14)1579 (-14)55715472- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-03-24 19:01:23qqqamikrop1694 (14)1593 (-14)56695571- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-03-24 00:23:17Bastqqq1925 (8)1680 (-11)32563156- / 5 W594Download (594)Details
2013-03-10 05:03:06suirenqqq2004 (7)1691 (-10)22522153- / 5610Download (610)Details
2013-03-09 23:01:54suirenqqq2013 (7)1701 (-10)20501953- / 5573Download (573)Details
2013-03-09 07:56:01GaretJaxqqq1881 (9)1711 (-13)34473249- / --1NoDetails
2013-02-25 04:45:27Cackfiendqqq2382 (2)1724 (-4)243243- / 5 W607Download (607)Details
2013-02-22 08:17:00qqqGallifax1728 (19)1825 (-14)422940295 / 5 W/L615Download (615)Details
2013-02-19 08:04:50Spelpqqq2128 (4)1709 (-8)10421042- / 5 W580Download (580)Details
2013-02-19 01:00:52qqqpollo1717 (12)1515p (-24)004205 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2012-12-18 23:39:48Ichoridqqq2057 (7)1705 (-9)1001033- / --1NoDetails
2012-07-16 20:16:01Janitorqqq2173 (3)1714 (-7)846747- / 5 W603Download (603)Details
2012-07-09 21:26:28qqqjason19851721 (26)2170 (-13)054864 / 4 W/L-1NoDetails
2012-03-07 06:15:46ittqqq1842 (10)1695 (-13)5405272- / 3-1NoDetails
2011-12-01 05:34:21Cackfiendqqq2278 (3)1708 (-5)472472- / - W553Download (553)Details
2011-12-01 04:33:02Uristqqq1553 (21)1713 (-21)99689772- / - W-1NoDetails
2011-11-30 07:10:35Fanjoqqq1932 (9)1734 (-12)37663667- / 5 W533Download (533)Details


Different opponents: 101 || Average games/opponent: 1.23 || Total inflation: -4 563 || Games vs overrated: 45% || Games vs underrated: 52%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Fosprey19701484-69-16-16 16110100 00 1100
firas15141508-63535 350110100 1100 00
Yogibear19151497-152-22-22 22110100 00 1100
Ingersol145814624-35-35 35111000 00 1100
Guerrero16401398-121-53-26.5 53220100 00 2100
Zarak199314241-11-11 11111000 00 1100
MACE14031482793838 380111000 1100 00
Unga1444144403434 3401100 1100 00
akkon14811499-85618.7 560326733 3100 00
Cerusan1360146011-40-40 40111000 00 1100
Sweet20021936-662626 260110100 1100 00
Stan13951477821717 170111000 1100 00
Lord17511736354020 400225050 2100 00
Pale1613152329-3-3 3111000 00 1100
frodo4214401459191515 150111000 1100 00
leocrotta23211759-282-11-5.5 11220100 00 2100
yanchixia20331524-194-10-10 10110100 00 1100
tnp19561858-982323 230110100 1100 00
freesole15591600411818 180111000 1100 00
Dauntless22832315322929 290111000 1100 00
Bal-Sagoth1554157729-17-17 17111000 00 1100
tbal17211564-1-13-13 13110100 00 1100
nemo14131502891515 150111000 1100 00
penguin1441144101313 1301100 1100 00
achille14171472551414 140111000 1100 00
Tesafilmchen17071646-611717 170110100 1100 00
KnightKunibert158617531671919 190111000 1100 00
Coriolan20091794199-14-7 14221000 00 2100
aPuppy14811452-352412 240220100 2100 00
Eskon1726167123-15-15 15111000 00 1100
animesh1385136470178.5 170225050 2100 00
Shachi2086183052-14-7 14221000 00 2100
marico17091707-21717 170110100 1100 00
none13441347399 90111000 1100 00
fenix16941477-2171111 110110100 1100 00
Gobrosch13871466791111 110111000 1100 00
kard_127713264988 80111000 1100 00
oesis19711859-1121919 190110100 1100 00
Tondo20321688-3441414 140110100 1100 00
Kolbur22771762-656-20-20 20110100 00 1100
wiv18771744-178-18-18 18110100 00 1100
NAT92i127212901877 70111000 1100 00
Hilquias13021269-3366 60110100 1100 00
HansSprungfeld137014376799 90111000 1100 00
Stenen20951453-6421010 100110100 1100 00
NarajinX22031766-158-10-10 10110100 00 1100
GoblinKing14931474-191010 100110100 1100 00
Killer59515841525-591111 110110100 1100 00
mattweber17371599-1381212 120110100 1100 00
Dartagnan1485148501010 1001100 1100 00
DenLaden1082124115944 40111000 1100 00
nilkiimas16301657271010 100111000 1100 00
Pudels_Kern16741626-4899 90110100 1100 00
Gurney135714297266 60111000 1100 00
Andoriel1417183417731.5 74221000 150 150
Glouk19671819-264-15-15 15110100 00 1100
Pietro176618067-13-13 13111000 00 1100
Kikohil174118871461414 140111000 1100 00
rekahtul139914626377 70111000 1100 00
drago1279138210355 50111000 1100 00
loveslowly07138114203966 60111000 1100 00
Druid18901648-24299 90110100 1100 00
uio16831556-12777 70110100 1100 00
Akheraphin14251839-86-20-20 20110100 00 1100
beanTheDog153818358-4-4 4111000 00 1100
holzhase115911802133 30111000 1100 00
skb17181762-98113.7 2413326733 266.7 133.3
Goldilocks22741832-461-13-13 13110100 00 1100
Max129513283355 50111000 1100 00
ghost48139814384066 60111000 1100 00
guglido161916452699 90111000 1100 00
cikumbrikas1602183068-15-15 15111000 00 1100
nelson20021822-598-8-2.7 1725320100 133.3 266.7
Michaelmax212118098-7-7 7111000 00 1100
soul_steven21641765-201-29-9.7 29320100 00 3100
ThunderT16371745-22-20-20 20110100 00 1100
Miro17011434143401010 1001100 1100 00
zenzsei15661729-316-26-26 26110100 00 1100
Fanjo19791734-47-12-12 12110100 00 1100
Urist16581713-105-21-21 21110100 00 1100
Cackfiend23751724-90-9-4.5 9225050 00 2100
itt17421695100-13-13 13111000 00 1100
jason198521872170-172626 260110100 1100 00
Janitor20591714114-7-7 7111000 00 1100
Ichorid19291705128-9-9 9111000 00 1100
pollo16371515-1221212 120110100 1100 00
Spelp2107170921-8-8 8111000 00 1100
Gallifax19461825-1211919 190110100 1100 00
GaretJax14641687904-24-12 24221000 00 2100
suiren21671691-317-20-10 20220100 00 2100
Bast20581680-133-11-11 11110100 00 1100
amikrop152715791182814 280221000 2100 00
Castoridae24441703-169-5-5 5110100 00 1100
amikrop120791698-430-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Piko55514431407-361010 100110100 1100 00
SmartSword19011684-66-13-13 13110100 00 1100
KnightKuni152116411201515 150111000 1100 00
toon31015591528-311212 120110100 1100 00
Gautepaute21571693-216-18-9 18220100 00 2100
Danniel_BR21691686-30-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Tropt20761659-254-27-9 27320100 00 3100


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2025-01-13 20:26 UTC | 0.3272sec.