
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1718   (1962 / 1356) 49% 518 550 1068 13 / -12 / 0.2 -2  (7 / -13) 5  (45% / 30%: 5 / 5 / 5) 2% (6 / 7 / 7)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Titan 36 1327 1369 97%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2011-12-20 00:08:01Kira1skb2206 (3)1718 (-6)859860- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-12-20 00:07:02Kira1skb2203 (3)1724 (-7)858859- / --1NoDetails
2011-12-19 19:55:50skbBonobo1731 (25)2125 (-12)62125814- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-12-11 19:00:00widowmaker80skb1924 (9)1706 (-12)38603562- / 5587Download (587)Details
2011-12-04 05:15:12Bonoboskb2131 (4)1718 (-8)16671468- / 5603Download (603)Details
2011-12-04 04:48:00Bonoboskb2127 (4)1726 (-8)166616675 / 5 W605Download (605)Details
2011-12-04 04:44:16Bonoboskb2123 (4)1734 (-8)176616665 / 5 W594Download (594)Details
2011-12-04 04:22:54Bonoboskb2119 (4)1742 (-8)176517665 / 5 W601Download (601)Details
2011-12-04 04:01:16Bonoboskb2115 (4)1750 (-9)176317655 / 5 W612Download (612)Details
2011-12-04 03:05:28Bonoboskb2111 (4)1759 (-9)176317635 / 5 W583Download (583)Details
2011-12-04 02:16:19skblenox1768 (6)1266 (-6)630630- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2011-11-30 05:31:33qqqskb1746 (17)1762 (-17)68626663- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-11-29 21:15:09Fanjoskb1916 (10)1779 (-13)41633864- / 5595Download (595)Details
2011-11-18 03:07:04cp9skb1812 (12)1792 (-12)64636365- / -591Download (591)Details
2011-11-16 18:02:03nelsonskb2076 (8)1804 (-8)20631963- / 5 W600Download (600)Details
2011-11-13 01:23:57thefishskb2075 (8)1812 (-8)19611964- / - W784Download (784)Details
2011-11-05 21:41:55hughoskb2008 (9)1820 (-9)28572763- / 5 W598Download (598)Details
2011-11-05 21:13:35ShadowVeilskb1541 (23)1829 (-17)97549258- / 5 W603Download (603)Details
2011-11-05 20:36:47hughoskb1999 (10)1846 (-10)29542854- / 5 W605Download (605)Details
2011-11-05 19:07:02skbDangerous1856 (7)1511p (-18)540540- / - W-1NoDetails
2011-11-05 16:46:06skbgoiken1849 (13)1861 (-13)55505451- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2011-11-05 05:48:57skbcoori1836 (8)1605 (-11)588154835 / 5 W575Download (575)Details
2011-11-03 04:04:12ElvishDwarfskb1546p (46)1828 (-4)0560585 / 5 W/L-1NoDetails
2011-11-03 01:43:03skbPsyXs1832 (7)1524 (-10)58905690- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2011-11-03 01:04:36skbPsyXs1825 (8)1534 (-10)60895890- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2011-11-03 00:12:43Kppskb1833 (12)1817 (-12)59565560- / --1NoDetails
2011-11-02 21:53:14skbbrasimon1829 (6)1438 (-8)5910856112- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2011-11-02 20:55:05skbbrasimon1823 (6)1446 (-17)60059108- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2011-11-01 03:18:48skbShadowVeil1817 (7)1480 (-9)61946094- / - W-1NoDetails
2011-11-01 02:59:03skbShadowVeil1810 (7)1489 (-9)63926194- / 5 W-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 310 || Average games/opponent: 3.45 || Total inflation: -74 250 || Games vs overrated: 39% || Games vs underrated: 59%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
c4rLOs821702103-924-24-1.7 70941410100 321.4 1178.6
nelson20021804-2792361.5 1891532422971 1250 1250
silent19901675-127620.7 3432300100 266.7 133.3
Zorro189119112035-21-0.9 136157232919 834.8 1565.2
hiddin1535157926420.2 9694918911 444.4 555.6
Dredge19731451-2613411.3 4713303367 133.3 266.7
MasterDerf17701370-26620.7 2220300100 133.3 266.7
freesole15591403-49-27-13.5 27200100 00 2100
donkey_noob_trash18841835-492525 250100100 1100 00
zako21151636-313-18-6 18300100 00 3100
Michaelmax2121215022391.1 4940816338 225 675
zz-top-top14931456-371818 180100100 1100 00
Kira122781718-6483-103-4.1 851882520100 520 2080
ced1634139190-20-10 20201000 00 2100
Bal-Sagoth1554163468-30-15 30201000 00 2100
Aydoka15061547156189 213201000 150 150
Akheraphin14251388-371717 170100100 1100 00
Unbeatable21381542-84-9-4.5 9200100 00 2100
rekahtul13991418191818 180101000 1100 00
thefish20851812-7712-29-0.7 2562854241288 1740.5 2559.5
Izzy14081489200168 193201000 150 150
siddh16961398-125-13-13 13100100 00 1100
salvador183213918-7-7 7101000 00 1100
Fetter16091487-2413517.5 350200100 2100 00
Ludivine1505139622-3-3 3101000 00 1100
sordan19831604-1879-12-1.7 4254711486 228.6 571.4
tbal172115606315611.2 7418501000 360 240
Balthazar12931268-251313 130100100 1100 00
enacui22171625-269-11-5.5 11200100 00 2100
gamelle21141873-2972-13-1.4 5164910100 333.3 666.7
Yogibear191514826-7-7 7101000 00 1100
BMintern15081467-411717 170100100 1100 00
Shotgun_Crocodile16471566-215-10-3.3 1828300100 133.3 266.7
Swift18531847042 128205050 150 150
Goldilocks22741796-1466-9-1.5 2332610100 116.7 583.3
Undertaker190520602564511.3 538407525 375 125
qqq16591762416-9-3 1726301000 133.3 266.7
Janitor2059180054251 2722501000 120 480
mattweber17371870-269121.3 6654913367 555.6 444.4
Veliq17341683-373-8-2.7 1927300100 133.3 266.7
kamikaze20641446-52-5-5 5100100 00 1100
petereater15581681-68-6-1.5 3137402575 250 250
NarajinX22031667-403-29-5.8 29500100 00 5100
Princess_Peach15191514-51818 180100100 1100 00
Ubu123613381021414 140101000 1100 00
Druid18901682-1222122.4 4735500100 360 240
Conscience1414147823093 2718301000 266.7 133.3
toDIEisGAIN17111710-5527414.8 740504060 5100 00
Shachi208621401003712.3 436301000 266.7 133.3
Foxtrot14621575-32-7-3.5 1320200100 150 150
artemis1017721569104-22-11 22201000 00 2100
nagap15421472-701414 140100100 1100 00
Vandarr16481684100 1616205050 150 150
Xplorer16301490-1401414 140100100 1100 00
ArtemisX20171758-110500 5959810100 337.5 562.5
Honor20021838-1821-80-10 1696811388 112.5 787.5
LichKing187717351048-10-1 63731019010 330 770
Zel_UA1469146901515 1501000 1100 00
pokijuhygtfrd1469146901515 1501000 1100 00
leocrotta23211866-134-13-4.3 13303367 00 3100
Quetzalcoatl19611530-21-8-8 8100100 00 1100
spira129214571651515 150101000 1100 00
stop_chemtrails18121800-2632-15-0.7 1551702222377 1150 1150
Des18371733-4446513 7712500100 480 120
hellboy18051806-656-33-5.5 3063611783 233.3 466.7
Fantri18811689-1225489.6 6517500100 480 120
cikumbrikas16021646804847 13046121928 975 325
marico1709161523994.5 2112201000 150 150
skull_kid1395141813452.5 105201000 150 150
TheStrategist128713822102110.5 210201000 2100 00
Death18091763-1262-7-1.2 4653610100 350 350
wiv18771575-1005-89-14.8 89610100 00 6100
RiceMuncher21361959-3478-23-2.3 64871010100 440 660
kakaroto16241829-129760.6 61551011090 770 330
Visionary14141299-11588 80100100 1100 00
lfclover14541454222311.5 23020500 2100 00
Jazzist147517020-6-6 61000 00 1100
obiwanreborn14631226-23777 70100100 1100 00
13lkuo1455145501313 1301000 1100 00
TheShadower14711519171289.3 280301000 3100 00
ElvenKing1750165712-14-14 14101000 00 1100
KurtCobaiin14251456311212 120101000 1100 00
psychic18201830-396-42-8.4 1759504060 120 480
artase15121475-371313 130100100 1100 00
akkon14811489-208244.8 4521502080 480 120
ghost4813981374-241010 100100100 1100 00
Perun1447148290-5-2.5 1419201000 150 150
CheeseLord14891489-6210.5 6520050 150 150
Azka13491505342115.5 154201000 150 150
Huumy19081829-362-53-7.6 1871712971 114.3 685.7
Halistar15181530121515 150101000 1100 00
Zenzell13991450511212 120101000 1100 00
happymasksalesman16861676-62165.3 3014303367 266.7 133.3
Gallifax19461937333-9-1.5 2534615050 233.3 466.7
SunnyGreens138514551632311.5 230201000 2100 00
Axox1370137038189 18020500 2100 00
Kolbur22771813-1388-25-4.2 2045610100 116.7 583.3
The_Black_Sword23481738-619-4-4 4100100 00 1100
KnightKunibert15861521-92199.5 190200100 2100 00
andas14011739-15-24-24 24100100 00 1100
Cylon_Centurion19531735-184-4-4 4100100 00 1100
Cackfiend23751785-1821282.8 73451010100 330 770
Blood_Elf14791462-171010 100100100 1100 00
kitsu17821612-1183-7-1.4 2936500100 360 240
Vlad_III_Draculea19031907-105-13-1.1 60731216733 541.7 758.3
Miszcz17281732-35062 2317303367 266.7 133.3
Suerte15571487-7077 70100100 1100 00
Coriolan20091853275121.7 4735717129 342.9 457.1
Jelly_the_Mad_Doggy18601812-103-13-13 13100100 00 1100
neki19841861792-23-1.4 871101725347 529.4 1270.6
xenon17421853-157130.3 5047911189 666.7 333.3
Ichorid19291720405-19-3.8 2443506040 120 480
solange117021776361155 2914301000 266.7 133.3
lapiduS_19191690-48-12-12 12100100 00 1100
Aca17081623-2492211 220200100 2100 00
Mokujin18531827-261818 180100100 1100 00
fireznake145914731499 90101000 1100 00
nayjest13641402177237.7 230301000 3100 00
ParadiseCity19401793-292343.1 97631117327 545.5 654.5
Ska-p14731473099 901000 1100 00
Jequ11439144938168 160201000 2100 00
TheOne21561748-243-38-7.6 38502080 00 5100
Shagal18761857-43266.5 3711405050 375 125
Henrythe12th163618341364-50-5 43931011000 330 770
Demogorgon22321868-870-26-4.3 1743610100 116.7 583.3
cheshire_cat17911833-532-14-1.4 63771014060 440 660
Kaliso16591659-111-9-4.5 132220050 150 150
Lucky21041723-73-10-10 10100100 00 1100
LordMaryn120412686477 70101000 1100 00
Cremember24091865-2769-65-5 24891310100 17.7 1292.3
Horus18382069752608.6 8020717129 571.4 228.6
smeeds17571732105-30-15 30201000 00 2100
gaute119751992-2777-38-3.8 621001012080 440 660
Massacre121712584166 60101000 1100 00
lori15981487-692-19-1.9 62811011090 660 440
Haudegen15131480-331010 100100100 1100 00
Rayfon14791474-20199.5 190200100 2100 00
uio16831675-81414 140100100 1100 00
anreal14491449-1178.5 17020050 2100 00
Ariu19681749-174-27-13.5 27200100 00 2100
olyve16901588-24973.5 125200100 150 150
dragonmaster13631396636479.4 470501000 5100 00
sillenia16161790-173-29-5.8 2352504060 240 360
galafuz143414531999 90101000 1100 00
konflikt_86pl1559177412-21-21 21101000 00 1100
Kikohil17411797561212 120101000 1100 00
iLeeT_PeeP1224148125777 70101000 1100 00
Robs19801776-521-32-16 32200100 00 2100
phoenix7713781378088 801000 1100 00
zahni17661837-167-6-1.5 2026407525 250 250
alda18401738-45731 1815300100 266.7 133.3
Bast20581841-199-12-12 12100100 00 1100
Greenwood130013191944 40101000 1100 00
isra15451817-136-19-19 19100100 00 1100
Yoyobuae1381138031338.3 330407525 4100 00
plk220412147627142.3 4228611000 233.3 466.7
KalenzZ17351801-6-14-14 14100100 00 1100
noOne19051778-5-14-14 14100100 00 1100
SadButTrue14451487421010 100101000 1100 00
Nobun1446179035-18-18 18101000 00 1100
dragonlx18601819-164-52-8.7 1769611783 116.7 583.3
yzr19981692-258-16-16 16100100 00 1100
elido21491827-4636271.5 1401131820100 950 950
guozhanzhi12971413249189 180201000 2100 00
alvarocba14431480371010 100101000 1100 00
NoLuck1455184593-25-12.5 25205050 00 2100
Dauntless22831860172175.7 2710301000 133.3 266.7
bweezo135414428899 90101000 1100 00
aramaki1799178116651.3 3530401000 250 250
GreatDantone12961763248-5-5 5101000 00 1100
Dreadnough20351937-82-60-10 60613367 00 6100
thermophilus1402172335-23-23 23101000 00 1100
ars138214231372010 200201000 2100 00
sheepXcat_sk16621541-44620.7 2321300100 266.7 133.3
Chueckle1453145741010 100101000 1100 00
arnaldo_br15571479-781010 100100100 1100 00
Hetman1352139919931.5 85201000 150 150
Batman15101742-2063 115205050 150 150
Gyrate17531703-2102311.5 230200100 2100 00
NCIS_Man18441822-102-29-14.5 29205050 00 2100
goiken15861861875310.6 530504060 5100 00
hec16841801-7484 124205050 150 150
lucin2114821482077 701000 1100 00
ghostrider14821482077 701000 1100 00
Arthas160916635499 90101000 1100 00
frodo4214401614399-6-3 915201000 150 150
Rigor20291881509-37-5.3 1855717129 114.3 685.7
topace1583175886-7-3.5 1320201000 150 150
YuriShakur141114392899 90101000 1100 00
UselessChair18471781-245-6-1.5 2127402575 250 250
The_Moche_Tribes13871338-25940.7 2420610100 583.3 116.7
Maiklas300014821482077 701000 1100 00
AssassinT9017441691-531010 100100100 1100 00
musk132414088455 50101000 1100 00
xy_1986154715813488 80101000 1100 00
Abel144514773266 60101000 1100 00
svek21381788-41258.3 349300100 266.7 133.3
LUcKynesS12961279-1744 40100100 1100 00
winddog19461856-125-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Pok14211355-6655 50100100 1100 00
mjr13441804221-17-17 17101000 00 1100
JinGak155516962962412 240201000 2100 00
Solmyr15911588-399 90100100 1100 00
khiM18331791-291-12-4 1527300100 133.3 266.7
zarillo141718050-5-5 51000 00 1100
Smozes19291795-4-10-10 10100100 00 1100
Kakz15021472-3099 90100100 1100 00
Pamir1578179261-15-15 15101000 00 1100
Semler195719042237-54-2.6 801342128119 523.8 1676.2
csarmi19711901-186-24-12 24200100 00 2100
antty15131457-5677 70100100 1100 00
dioniso136013993966 60101000 1100 00
Royale1707170535971 4639718614 457.1 342.9
Mikan13451465408-1-0.3 1617301000 266.7 133.3
BLAST14741750-14-16-8 723205050 150 150
Ondrew18371496-34177 70100100 1100 00
gilbertbb14751546277124 164301000 266.7 133.3
Yohel138214506866 60101000 1100 00
creepylich17101671-209-13-6.5 922200100 150 150
khorne-flakes18261636-1901414 140100100 1100 00
Not_Dead_Enough139814581402110.5 210201000 2100 00
Colossi177117911495410.8 7016501000 480 120
Kpp20341817-3098-74-7.4 301041010100 330 770
Orange_Dude19491843-316-10-3.3 1828300100 133.3 266.7
Punisher14531480271010 100101000 1100 00
Oook22101811-114-8-8 8100100 00 1100
FishnChips14591459077 701000 1100 00
WladDraco11761329312105 100201000 2100 00
ano16861807-78-6-3 915200100 150 150
Multeity1609160901212 1201000 1100 00
PaiMei19171800-1171717 170100100 1100 00
Markus921274139512166 60101000 1100 00
The_Scarecrow17131723462333.3 75421011000 770 330
Computer_Player17211844-60351.3 2217400100 375 125
Morgannwg14461446-42105 10020050 2100 00
JangGun1472184171-17-17 17101000 00 1100
tom03089016371522-11577 70100100 1100 00
Destiny15651554-13147 140200100 2100 00
widowmaker8021791706-766-28-14 28200100 00 2100
th417411661-203299.7 290300100 3100 00
FireBreath18141808-10-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Mint17731826-153184.5 3012407525 375 125
Tropt20761494-58277 70100100 1100 00
soul_steven21641780-102-10-10 10100100 00 1100
moloch13971923-142-8-2.7 1220306733 266.7 133.3
ShadowVeil22361829-8244323.2 49171010100 990 110
argentino17581747-5262 2014303367 266.7 133.3
Skrim19291827-229-1-0.5 1213200100 150 150
Diggy19981810-1446-19-2.7 3453710100 342.9 457.1
TheChosenOne1696170735-5-2.5 1015201000 150 150
Reqinek19261833-613-2-0.3 3638610100 350 350
Shorty1712182299-22-4.4 2042504060 240 360
kbm1264138712355 50101000 1100 00
charnel19501988381414 140101000 1100 00
nilkiimas163016562699 90101000 1100 00
vandal21892072-2016203.3 4727610100 466.7 233.3
ReNoM16791414-26555 50100100 1100 00
PanMleczko14821482077 701000 1100 00
cle16041426-17866 60100100 1100 00
kiki14951483-1266 60100100 1100 00
Noumenon19061525-38177 70100100 1100 00
Desent131913493044 40101000 1100 00
tintin16941866-5-4-4 4100100 00 1100
pumpkin18511844-21-13-13 13100100 00 1100
wisefighter16221657213389.5 380401000 4100 00
irias15981801494-65-13 65501000 00 5100
Othello33315771889-26572.3 125300100 266.7 133.3
Rabbitz1320148316366 60101000 1100 00
Golem1440182872-37-18.5 37201000 00 2100
szdik57018341809-404-19-19 19100100 00 1100
zara17431649-941010 100100100 1100 00
Orang15901598899 90101000 1100 00
milwac17531584-330-9-4.5 716200100 150 150
Demon13891488217178.5 170201000 2100 00
nunswithguns19541907-1027343.1 83491110100 763.6 436.4
analtract141914684966 60101000 1100 00
bkerin15021469-58126 120200100 2100 00
nanogargiulo1442184864-5-5 5101000 00 1100
hugho20861820-645-52-10.4 52500100 00 5100
jgoppert143514572266 60101000 1100 00
sexelf14631861100-17-17 17101000 00 1100
PastVengeance120112484733 30101000 1100 00
Darkkey15441352-351-16-8 420200100 150 150
Jeronym15251843-47-18-18 18100100 00 1100
carey__man14831483077 701000 1100 00
Kral19401795-3032211 220200100 2100 00
TheMAze13801848116-5-5 5101000 00 1100
Fanjo19791779-292163.2 4024500100 360 240
DrakeKing19361846317-5-1.7 1520301000 133.3 266.7
tiboloid1820190920-14-14 14101000 00 1100
Kane019131907250173.4 3922508020 360 240
nagafono18501713-641237.7 230300100 3100 00
Glouk19672016491414 140101000 1100 00
py6aka1845184501111 1101000 1100 00
Spelp21071946-731-8-4 816200100 150 150
Bonobo20552125419-11-1.4 3950818813 225 675
Urist16581503-302126 120200100 2100 00
Gaby145814867110.5 65201000 150 150
Haldiel19181865-260-28-14 28200100 00 2100
coori16341605-89157.5 150200100 2100 00
OneBlink1528156196-28-9.3 735301000 133.3 266.7
brasimon17011438-61982.7 124300100 266.7 133.3
Mrzinzin19361357-57955 50100100 1100 00
Mr_Snrub16351862-88-4-4 4100100 00 1100
Anonymissimus15391803-95-18-18 18100100 00 1100
PsyXs1524152410157.5 15020500 2100 00
ElvishDwarf1461182885-4-4 4101000 00 1100
Dangerous15111511077 701000 1100 00
cp91733179279-12-12 12101000 00 1100
lenox12641266266 60101000 1100 00


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dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
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2025-01-13 20:30 UTC | 1.34963sec.