
ERROR1025 (1402) / vvd (1454) ®

"Undead win Loyalists" ~ERROR1025

[15/11] kkk111 has fought plenty to become one of the Top 5.
[07/11] momom2 says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.
[07/11] hitandrun has ascended to the heady heights of 1900 Elo points.
[02/11] clmates is the number one contender at 3rd place.
[21/10] newbieA is the master of the universe at position 1!


New ladder version available

After some discovery about the MySQL optimizer, the problem causing slow performance has been rectified. More caching of parts of the ladder that MySQL does not handle well have been coded and released. The new code appears about the same speed as the old, if not faster in some places.

You will notice the ratings have changed due to the changes mentioned in the previous news posting.

Please enjoy the new site and contact us if you experience any issue, or would like to give feedback.

Thanks for using the Wesnoth ladder.


Other news articles:

- svn up and running...
- about provisional & k-values
- logo wanted
- move done.
- host change...
- provisional rating mode coming
- patches applied..

Important: Make your wish!

- sourceforge
- improved rating system coming
Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-11-23 01:27 UTC | 0.34044sec.