
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1429   (1507 / 1429) 19% 5 21 26 32 / -11 / -2.73 -7  (2 / -7) 5  (88% / 19%: 5 / NAN / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 28.5 35 83%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2023-10-18 22:55:45arnaldo_brtotem1632 (12)1429 (-12)26302630- / - W344Download (344)Details
2023-10-18 22:18:56arnaldo_brtotem1620 (13)1441 (-13)26302630- / - W299Download (299)Details
2023-10-05 20:17:32SkyEndtotem2374 (1)1454 (-2)131131- / 5 W327Download (327)Details
2023-10-03 18:54:38SkyEndtotem2373 (1)1456 (-2)131131- / 5 W292Download (292)Details
2023-09-24 16:53:08diomedtotem2144 (2)1458 (-4)425426- / 5338Download (338)Details
2023-09-23 16:48:53diomedtotem2142 (2)1462 (-4)00423- / 4276Download (276)Details
2023-02-12 17:44:43nuclearm1ndtotem1478 (16)1466 (-16)26242426- / 5 W452Download (452)Details
2023-02-11 14:58:44totemnuclearm1nd1482 (16)1435 (-16)232422245 / 5 W433Download (433)Details
2023-02-09 17:46:25MYFHtotem1884 (6)1466 (-8)14221423- / 5 W499Download (499)Details
2023-02-09 17:01:01MYFHtotem1878 (6)1474 (-8)15251422- / 5 W458Download (458)Details
2023-01-28 14:56:44Zvhxiitotem1916 (6)1482 (-7)14271227- / 4 W572Download (572)Details
2023-01-28 14:29:06Zvhxiitotem1910 (6)1489 (-8)14271427- / 4493Download (493)Details
2023-01-18 20:06:51haldertotem2102 (2)1497 (-5)527527- / 5 W453Download (453)Details
2023-01-18 16:20:13haldertotem2100 (4)1502 (-5)527527- / 5 W421Download (421)Details
2023-01-18 16:08:31halder**totem2100 (4)1502 (-5)527527- / 5 W332Download (332)Details
2023-01-09 21:22:00totemHaVoCX1507 (17)1507 (-17)282426255 / 5 W403Download (403)Details
2023-01-09 20:27:38totemHaVoCX1490 (35)1524 (-4)0028245 / 5 W/L348Download (348)Details
2022-12-11 21:24:11SkyEndtotem2304 (1)1455p (-5)1010- / 5-1NoDetails
2022-12-10 02:14:16Megac1totem2025 (4)1460p (-11)3030- / 5 W386Download (386)Details
2022-12-04 17:23:39StonyDrewtotem1925 (5)1471p (-14)7070- / 5 W376Download (376)Details
2022-11-27 17:34:06totemXplorer1485p (42)1659 (-5)00011- / 5-1NoDetails
2022-10-26 12:54:35StonyDrewtotem1871 (6)1443p (-15)9070- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2022-10-23 01:20:12MiddleTwintotem1574 (14)1458p (-29)00140- / 5 W419Download (419)Details
2022-09-02 22:35:39NotGaretJaxtotem1791 (10)1487p (-20)9080- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2022-07-24 16:08:11totemArpus1507p (49)1868 (-5)07075 / 5 W/L414Download (414)Details
2022-07-09 14:26:20clmatestotem1573 (14)1458p (-29)160150- / 5 W443Download (443)Details
2022-07-04 21:53:00Megac1totem1981 (5)1487p (-13)6060- / 5 W443Download (443)Details


Different opponents: 15 || Average games/opponent: 1.73 || Total inflation: 582 || Games vs overrated: 62% || Games vs underrated: 38%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Megac11979146048-24-12 24281000 00 2100
clmates15991458-26-29-29 29140100 00 1100
Arpus18491868194949 490141000 1100 00
NotGaretJax16901487101-20-20 20141000 00 1100
MiddleTwin156514589-29-29 29141000 00 1100
StonyDrew16701471456-29-14.5 29281000 00 2100
Xplorer16191659404242 420141000 1100 00
SkyEnd24481454-293-9-3 93120100 00 3100
HaVoCX144315071455226 520281000 2100 00
halder19571497288-10-5 10281000 00 2100
Zvhxii19951482-164-15-7.5 15280100 00 2100
MYFH1859146644-16-8 16281000 00 2100
nuclearm1nd15521466-19100 1616280100 150 150
diomed21591458-32-8-4 8280100 00 2100
arnaldo_br15571429138-25-12.5 25281000 00 2100


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2025-02-16 01:43 UTC | 0.04932sec.