
newbieA (1781) / StonyDrew (1733) ®

"undead turtled vs orcs" ~newbieA

[21/10] newbieA is the master of the universe at position 1!
[19/10] StonyDrew is the master of the universe at position 1!
[09/10] newbieA comes closer to the final step by taking 2nd place.
[09/10] vvd says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.
[02/10] newbieA says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.


more stats added

I've now added some extra numbers in the sidebar. The newest one are (with examples taken from when I wrote this post):

Games w. sprtm. rating: 23% (964) = Games with one or more sportsmanship ratings.

Avg. sprtm. rating: 4.24 = Average sportsmanship rating on the ladder

Contested: 0% (18) = These many % of all games have been contested (these many in real numbers)

Withdrawn: 1% (50) = These many % of all games have been withdrawn, including spam games by idiots etc (these many in real numbers)

Revoked: 2% (68) = The sum of contested + withdrawn games in % of all games (the same in real numbers)

Commented: 15% (643) = Amount of games that have been commented by at least one player.

Other news articles:

- small site update
- more info about the host problems
- site host trouble
- feedback on the new report timer setting...
- new feature...
- nickname change
- help us debug
- hiscore & sportsmanship breakdown added
- skill class overview added...
- multiplayer server is up

Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-11-01 03:33 UTC | 0.75725sec.