
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1617   (1617 / 1434) 49% 20 21 41 20 / -14 / 2.85 1  (5 / -5) 5  (54% / 54%: 4 / 5 / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 51 65 78%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2016-10-20 18:10:15EvaristeTropt1617 (20)1748 (-20)372534252 / 2 W589Download (589)Details
2016-10-13 21:14:53TroptEvariste1733 (14)1597 (-14)25342435- / 5552Download (552)Details
2016-10-03 19:41:37EvaristeGravellu1611 (15)1503p (-29)3803605 / 5 W691Download (691)Details
2016-09-15 10:24:39KipplesEvariste1680 (15)1596 (-15)29352835- / 5 W584Download (584)Details
2016-09-10 12:32:27EvaristeKipples1611 (18)1668 (-18)36273528- / 5 W630Download (630)Details
2016-09-05 16:23:40Evaristefood4bots1593 (13)1431 (-13)0433545- / 3 W608Download (608)Details
2014-06-07 15:00:48MrzinzinEvariste1956 (6)1580 (-8)16441545- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2014-05-31 14:35:36KnightKuniEvariste1779 (12)1588 (-12)30432944- / 5-1NoDetails
2014-05-16 14:29:11EvaristeSolymos1600 (19)1684 (-19)42324032- / 3 W572Download (572)Details
2014-05-15 21:16:50SolymosEvariste1703 (14)1581 (-14)32413243- / 5608Download (608)Details
2014-05-09 23:49:12Evaristeamikrop11595 (25)2006 (-19)0114811- / 5 W609Download (609)Details
2014-04-02 16:18:29EvaristeXmax1570 (9)1221 (-9)650640- / 3 W608Download (608)Details
2014-04-01 12:41:52EvaristeCyBiO1561 (21)1751 (-21)704069425 / 5 W/L576Download (576)Details
2014-03-27 16:20:27EvaristeXmax1540 (10)1250 (-10)710690- / 5 W601Download (601)Details
2014-03-25 16:26:33SolymosEvariste1596 (15)1530 (-15)66726374- / 5624Download (624)Details
2014-03-17 16:27:40ChocolatecakeEvariste1686 (13)1545 (-13)578255825 / 5596Download (596)Details
2014-03-15 22:48:47EvaristeMadmoo1558 (14)1425 (-14)79867986- / 5 W564Download (564)Details
2014-02-27 16:54:16EvaristeChocolatecake1544 (20)1677 (-20)805276555 / 5 W581Download (581)Details
2014-02-13 13:38:17Evaristethatrosenritter1524 (11)1270 (-11)770760- / 5659Download (659)Details
2014-02-13 10:53:13EvaristeVeronika1513 (20)1633 (-20)81587861- / 5 W574Download (574)Details
2014-02-02 13:24:02Evaristegoblinlord1493 (15)1412p (-30)830810- / 5 W682Download (682)Details
2014-01-16 12:39:37SolymosHUNEvariste1562 (15)1478 (-15)79877688- / 5 W534Download (534)Details
2014-01-11 17:19:25nelsonEvariste2015 (4)1493 (-6)18861886- / 5 W684Download (684)Details
2014-01-06 00:43:42Baltese_WindragonEvariste1659p (26)1499 (-3)086085- / 5 W520Download (520)Details
2014-01-05 21:13:43Baltese_WindragonEvariste1633p (27)1502 (-3)085085- / - W566Download (566)Details
2013-12-21 18:42:56jo1Evariste1750 (11)1505 (-11)47824683- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-12-16 22:08:54EvaristeSmartSword1516 (18)1550p (-36)800780- / 4 W554Download (554)Details
2013-12-05 16:24:46jo1Evariste1673 (13)1498 (-13)54745175- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2013-11-30 23:00:35Danniel_BREvariste2057 (4)1511 (-6)14731473- / -547Download (547)Details
2013-11-21 15:20:44RavenTTEvariste1615p (29)1517 (-4)068068- / -601Download (601)Details


Different opponents: 31 || Average games/opponent: 1.32 || Total inflation: -5 324 || Games vs overrated: 20% || Games vs underrated: 76%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
TheBlackThunderX91478146972-31-31 31121000 00 1100
littlebear19941444-335-25-25 25120100 00 1100
Fanjo1979143458-10-10 10121000 00 1100
AgRAIL1423142303333 3301200 1100 00
jo118651505-600134.3 3724370100 133.3 266.7
food4bots15191431-2843718.5 370250100 2100 00
mae18131503-113-25-25 25120100 00 1100
Neuromancer1807148783-16-16 16121000 00 1100
unicorn18751460-265-27-27 27120100 00 1100
MasterBao17741469-3053333 330120100 1100 00
atrop15061398-1082828 280120100 1100 00
RavenTT17241517-109-4-4 4120100 00 1100
Danniel_BR21691511-112-6-6 6120100 00 1100
SmartSword19011550-3511818 180120100 1100 00
Baltese_Windragon20531499-814-6-3 6250100 00 2100
nelson2002149313-6-6 6121000 00 1100
SolymosHUN14201478142-15-15 15121000 00 1100
goblinlord14611412-491515 150120100 1100 00
Veronika17391633-1062020 200120100 1100 00
thatrosenritter12941270-241111 110120100 1100 00
Chocolatecake17761545-18973.5 2013250100 150 150
Madmoo16191425-1941414 140120100 1100 00
Solymos19601684-897-10-3.3 1929370100 133.3 266.7
Xmax1221122129199.5 19025500 2100 00
CyBiO17981751-472121 210120100 1100 00
amikrop120792006-732525 250120100 1100 00
KnightKuni15211588258-12-12 12121000 00 1100
Mrzinzin1936158020-8-8 8121000 00 1100
Kipples18491596-35031.5 1815250100 150 150
Gravellu15061503-31515 150120100 1100 00
Tropt20761748-67163 2014250100 150 150


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