
matto (1962) / MasterBao (1734) ®

"Ladder TT#6 - R1G2 - Picked Loy vs Picked Dwarves" ~matto

[15/02] leymano9c broke the border to 1700 Elo points.
[15/02] newbieA broke the border to 1800 Elo points.
[14/02] ERROR1025 roared into the Top 20.
[12/02] nuclearm1nd just entered the Top 20.
[12/02] leymano9c roared into the Top 10.


Password Reset Feature


A password reset feature has finally been coded and implemented! Simply click on "Recover your lost password" link right below where you would normally type in your username/password and it will give you the option to enter your email. If you don't remember your email or no longer have access to that email then contact me and I will assist.

Look forward to many more features coming in the near future as well as an updated FAQ any day now. Much thanks to chains/Greg and sapient for their hard work.

- Cackfiend

Other news articles:

28th of May - New Fork and More.
22nd of May 2012 - Winner of the WTT
11 of March 2012 - Khalifa Gameplay!
2nd of February 2012 - Ladder 2000
January 30th 2012 - Wesnoth1.10.0 is out...
29th of November - Top 20 reporting
18th of November 2011 - Games vs Default Names
31st of October - BWI Tournament
October 14th 2011 - 1.9.9 Dev. Version Tournament!
7th of September - New Forum

Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2025-02-16 02:41 UTC | 0.55253sec.