
ERROR1025 (1402) / vvd (1454) ®

"Undead win Loyalists" ~ERROR1025

[15/11] kkk111 says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.
[07/11] momom2 says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.
[07/11] hitandrun has ascended to the heady heights of 1900 Elo points.
[02/11] clmates comes closer to the final step by taking 3rd place.
[21/10] newbieA is now king of the hill and ranked number 1!


password bug fixed

Drudares brought an old and until now unresolved issue to my attention. It was found and corrected this morning.

There was a bug that allowed you to get a new password without verifying it twice. Since we use hashes & salt to store the passwords this would frakk up your pass and even if you knew what it was you wouldn't be able to login properly.

Long story short: It's all fixed, and now your profile won't save unless you verify the new password.

Other news articles:

- avtars updated...
- 100 users...
- the "waiting for game"-list..

lvl up 07

- three profile changes
- Profile update & Challenge added
- Era rule & Elo change..
- joining e-mail revised.
- login & profile update
- security update done
Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-11-23 09:06 UTC | 0.35367sec.