
newbieA (1781) / StonyDrew (1733) ®

"undead turtled vs orcs" ~newbieA

[21/10] newbieA has rightfully claimed the ultimate spot and is ranked number 1!
[19/10] StonyDrew has become imperator of the legions - second to nobody as number 1!
[09/10] newbieA points at the sky and is now 2nd place.
[09/10] vvd soars into the Top 5.
[02/10] newbieA says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.


two rule changes...

Weeksy suggested that the rules get an update, and I obey whenever you guys have a valid point ; )

1) Previously the amount of gold you should start a game with was fixed to 100. Now it isn't, as it seems that every maps default settings also regulate the amount of starter gold. Since we use the map settings for all ladder games, the amount of gold should be determined by those. The new rule states that the starter gold should be whatever the map settings make it. (In most cases it would be 100, but in some it seems to be higher.)

2) There's also a new rule saying that games played on survival maps are not legit for the ladder, even if the survival map happens to be a 2p map and an official release.

The new rules version is 0.08.

Other news articles:

- site server update coming...
- Server crash / Disconnect rule changes...
- Elo correction & multiple accounting...
- avtars updated...
- 100 users...
- the "waiting for game"-list..

lvl up 07

- three profile changes
- Profile update & Challenge added
- Era rule & Elo change..
Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-11-01 11:21 UTC | 0.80241sec.