
newbieA (1781) / StonyDrew (1733) ®

"undead turtled vs orcs" ~newbieA

[21/10] newbieA is the master of the universe at position 1!
[19/10] StonyDrew dominates the charts as number 1!
[09/10] newbieA is right behind the leader at 2nd place.
[09/10] vvd says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.
[02/10] newbieA says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.


new cool stats

While I was watching a game and reading the chat one of the observers gave me a thought: There is no way to see what type of player a person is when it comes to the question of which classes of players she decides to go up against in the ladder.

So, today I revised the code (again ; ) and now theres a new nice statistical thingie in the profile of each player that I've named Average Points Win / Loss / Total.

The Average P WLT shows x / y / z, which translates to the average points the player wins when she wins, the average points the player loses when she loses, and also the average points the player gets/loses per game in total.

I hope you all see the potential already, as this great info actually tells you what kind of a player you/the others are:

The higher average win points a player has, the more higher rated players she plays (and wins) against. If a player always plays with opponents that have about the same rating as her she would have a an average win point of 12. The higher win point, the tougher opponents the player challenged and won over, and vice versa.

As for the average loss points, the opposite is the case: The lower average loss point (remember it's a negative number, so -11 is lower than -10) a player has the more ass whooping she got from players that have a lower rating than herself. Again, if this number is somewhere around -12, then the player usually loses against other players that had about the same rating as herself when the game took place.

The average points in total is the less usable of the 3 numbers: It displays all the points you have earned - the points you have lost / the total amount of games you have played. With other words, it tells you how many points you get or lose in an average game. In reality though this average game can never exist and the other two figures are way better pointers towards that end.

Other news articles:

- rules change & faq update...
- new play now list functions...
- two rule changes...
- Ranking entry changed...
- in-game friends list added...
- password bug fixed
- site server update coming...
- Server crash / Disconnect rule changes...
- Elo correction & multiple accounting...
- avtars updated...

Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-11-01 09:35 UTC | 0.42125sec.