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(passive) 2035   (2115 / 1479) 67% 440 221 661 8 / -13 / 0.81 4  (12 / -5) 5  (47% / 99%: 4 / 5 / 4) 0% (0 / 1 / 2)
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Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2023-10-28 19:16:47DreadnoughCaritas2035 (15)2183 (-10)8484- / 5 W263Download (263)Details
2023-10-22 06:10:29DreadnoughStonyDrew2020 (10)1876 (-10)9159165 / 5 W304Download (304)Details
2023-10-22 06:08:33DreadnoughStonyDrew2010 (10)1886 (-10)10159155 / 5 W312Download (312)Details
2023-10-15 13:43:37DreadnoughMYFH2000 (12)1979 (-12)121111125 / 5 W/L290Download (290)Details
2023-10-15 11:54:41MYFHDreadnough1991 (12)1988 (-12)121111125 / 5 W276Download (276)Details
2023-10-15 11:13:17DreadnoughMYFH2000 (12)1979 (-12)121111125 / 5 W/L267Download (267)Details
2023-10-07 15:19:19KrogenDreadnough2319 (5)1988 (-7)2102115 / 5 W276Download (276)Details
2023-10-07 06:55:00DreadnoughKrogen1995 (18)2314 (-12)1221025 / 5 W/L280Download (280)Details
2023-10-06 18:53:28KrogenDreadnough2326 (4)1977 (-7)2112125 / 5 W271Download (271)Details
2023-09-24 16:31:23Dreadnoughkingofwars1984 (12)1943 (-12)912812- / 5 W255Download (255)Details
2023-09-24 16:27:59Dreadnoughkingofwars1972 (12)1955 (-12)09912- / 5 W240Download (240)Details
2023-02-26 15:51:42Megac1Dreadnough2070 (10)1960 (-10)7117125 / 5 W350Download (350)Details
2023-02-25 14:56:58DreadnoughMegac11970 (14)2060 (-14)1271175 / 5 W352Download (352)Details
2023-02-25 13:40:44Megac1Dreadnough2074 (10)1956 (-10)7117125 / 5 W351Download (351)Details
2023-02-12 14:33:05StonyDrewDreadnough1992 (12)1966 (-12)9109105 / 5 W366Download (366)Details
2023-02-12 13:21:52StonyDrewDreadnough1980 (12)1978 (-12)1099105 / 5 W380Download (380)Details
2023-02-04 17:32:31Dreadnoughclmates1990 (5)1555 (-7)9238235 / 3 W/L502Download (502)Details
2023-02-04 12:43:51Dreadnoughclmates1985 (6)1562 (-8)9238235 / 5 W/L512Download (512)Details
2023-01-28 17:01:14DreadnoughMYFH1979 (11)1893 (-11)10149145 / 5 W/L517Download (517)Details
2023-01-28 16:58:40DreadnoughMYFH1968 (11)1904 (-11)111410145 / 5 W/L550Download (550)Details
2023-01-21 16:50:27Dreadnoughnuclearm1nd1957 (5)1449 (-6)112910295 / 5 W426Download (426)Details
2023-01-21 15:31:11Dreadnoughnuclearm1nd1952 (5)1455 (-6)112911295 / 5 W397Download (397)Details
2023-01-08 07:42:02KrogenDreadnough2326 (4)1947 (-6)1101105 / 5 W511Download (511)Details
2023-01-08 07:00:21KrogenDreadnough2322 (4)1953 (-6)101105 / 5 W480Download (480)Details
2022-01-03 12:34:28KrogenDreadnough2282 (5)1959 (-7)1141155 / 5 W482Download (482)Details
2022-01-03 12:07:44KrogenDreadnough2277 (5)1966 (-7)1141145 / 5 W458Download (458)Details
2021-12-29 01:06:05DreadnoughBadHatHarry1973 (7)1640 (-9)13281328- / 2 W/L460Download (460)Details
2021-12-23 04:36:48DreadnoughBadHatHarry1966 (7)1649 (-9)14271427- / 3 W/L505Download (505)Details
2021-12-09 20:25:17Dreadnoughplk21959 (15)2095 (-10)148118- / 5 W473Download (473)Details
2021-12-08 20:31:10Dreadnoughplk21944 (15)2105 (-10)157158- / 5 W489Download (489)Details


Different opponents: 296 || Average games/opponent: 2.23 || Total inflation: -33 375 || Games vs overrated: 42% || Games vs underrated: 55%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
ParadiseCity19401872-48-52-13 52417525 00 4100
kakaroto16241561-501-15-7.5 2742200100 150 150
frodo42144016511554354.4 7035811000 675 225
valikan_cz15541536-183232 320100100 1100 00
pinkdwarf15031550473131 310101000 1100 00
Celador15271412-1152626 260100100 1100 00
Ariu19681912-211-1-0.3 2122300100 266.7 133.3
Demogorgon22322100-665-2-0.7 2325300100 133.3 266.7
Tesafilmchen17071748414141 410101000 1100 00
Nordmann18951887-696521.7 650303367 3100 00
rexim113413291951010 100101000 1100 00
alda18401946-874-3-0.6 2730510100 360 240
Burp16401613-278111.6 810714357 7100 00
Kolbur22772049-103582 2921410100 250 250
cheshire_cat17911770-5644611.5 460410100 4100 00
thermophilus14021425366389.5 380411000 4100 00
thefish20851944-2181-47-2.6 86133183694 738.9 1161.1
Bear15121484-281111 110100100 1100 00
Timon1472176027-6-6 6101000 00 1100
stop_chemtrails18121829-1422512.5 250205050 2100 00
Vandarr16481700521515 150101000 1100 00
nemo14131417488 80101000 1100 00
Cremember24091928-739-42-7 42610100 00 6100
Dauntless22831967317-29-5.8 29511000 00 5100
tbal172118072894411 440411000 4100 00
gaute119751987-509-21-3.5 2445613367 233.3 466.7
smeeds1757175701111 1101000 1100 00
Warpiglet12671400348136.5 130201000 2100 00
Betelgeuse1388140185186 180301000 3100 00
nelson20022008-239-23-5.8 1134412575 125 375
dragonmaster1363150459393 134301000 266.7 133.3
Ikerpeta21041482-62277 70100100 1100 00
The_Black_Sword23482276-962369 4610410100 375 125
khiM18331815-332311.5 230200100 2100 00
hellboy18051824-15174.3 3114415050 375 125
ccc120311853673.5 70205050 2100 00
Robs19801852-357-4-4 4100100 00 1100
Cuteelapdogatwar14831483066 601000 1100 00
Zorro1891199653-15-5 1025306733 133.3 266.7
i4214981498077 701000 1100 00
aramaki1799195562-3-1.5 1114205050 150 150
dragonlx18601973-381-3-0.5 2831613367 350 350
Death18091909-256-8-4 816200100 150 150
SalsaRocoto18901613-558168 160200100 2100 00
Circumflex14511432-1966 60100100 1100 00
isra15451556-42550.8 2520611767 583.3 116.7
CragHack17231535-306157.5 150200100 2100 00
Styl150515534877 70101000 1100 00
Equilibrium15431468-134126 120200100 2100 00
neki19842170-48-6-0.4 1031091733565 847.1 952.9
Smozes19291923-31-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Ansengrinth16711659-42147 140200100 2100 00
Oook22101958-447-40-10 40412575 00 4100
Mortles14261423-344 40100100 1100 00
Henrythe12th1636194435020.7 1614301000 266.7 133.3
skb17181937632488 480611000 6100 00
Flexfit143614501455 50101000 1100 00
sheepXcat_sk16621969-130-5-5 5100100 00 1100
CyBiO17981974-359-32-6.4 1850510100 240 360
Zembolx13191320133 30101000 1100 00
atly18031777-2699 90100100 1100 00
ars138214415955 50101000 1100 00
zahni17661917-44-37-9.3 946415050 125 375
Huumy19081999375-22-5.5 1234411000 125 375
DigiHero136513722584 80201000 2100 00
eugene_b142414553155 50101000 1100 00
Parpy1497150326105 100201000 2100 00
Arthas16091606-122175.7 170300100 3100 00
Yoyobuae13811381-108143.5 14041075 4100 00
Hetman13521478400155 150301000 3100 00
NCIS_Man18441960-228-33-16.5 33200100 00 2100
silent19901886-1041111 110100100 1100 00
Nijan2137014027584 80201000 2100 00
olyve16901687-388 80100100 1100 00
tyler146414781455 50101000 1100 00
Rigor20292133725314.4 5827718614 457.1 342.9
ilbard1321139018773.5 70201000 2100 00
logiz13411956-15-21-21 21100100 00 1100
Hicks1534156366126 120201000 2100 00
NoLuck14551454-1794.5 90200100 2100 00
KimJongCured16961935-94-35-17.5 35200100 00 2100
The_Moche_Tribes138714001344 40101000 1100 00
senzombra17001638-6277 70100100 1100 00
Rayfon14791472-755 50100100 1100 00
Chris7mas15001550474-38-6.3 1654611000 350 350
musk1324148616255 50101000 1100 00
Chandler_Bing15221458-6455 50100100 1100 00
PapaBlues16751917-47600 55200100 150 150
renketsu0144615197366 60101000 1100 00
n0f4te15551502-5366 60100100 1100 00
rushxp142014341455 50101000 1100 00
lhurgoyf164216662477 70101000 1100 00
AssassinT9017441690-5488 80100100 1100 00
Grind142614431755 50101000 1100 00
Altimar1261131711773.5 70201000 2100 00
Nationalelf1229144321455 50101000 1100 00
Atarin1363148712455 50101000 1100 00
winddog19461967-50-3-1.5 1114205050 150 150
Conscience1414193778-19-19 19101000 00 1100
svek2138193520-9-9 9101000 00 1100
Horus1838191542-13-13 13101000 00 1100
Paxe16741898-40-17-17 17100100 00 1100
JinGak15551622210178.5 170201000 2100 00
Izrahel134118881-20-20 20101000 00 1100
goner137214113955 50101000 1100 00
rebellofhell20961545-55166 60100100 1100 00
Zaroth14851445-67105 100200100 2100 00
justanothernoob17631910-14-15-15 15100100 00 1100
Kpp20342067-218281.1 3931710100 571.4 228.6
creepylich17101973-421-6-2 1319300100 266.7 133.3
TheSloth1535191832-5-5 5101000 00 1100
Orang1590164431147 140205050 2100 00
khorne-flakes18262006-438-21-3.5 2546611783 350 350
Orange_Dude19491896-131-14-14 14100100 00 1100
hugho20862004-723-67-13.4 67510100 00 5100
mjr134413736384 80201000 2100 00
widowmaker8021792009-771-15-5 722300100 133.3 266.7
PaiMei19171881-361111 110100100 1100 00
tom03089016371581-123126 120200100 2100 00
Destiny15651551-20126 120200100 2100 00
th417411666-7577 70100100 1100 00
turandot127413073333 30101000 1100 00
razfaz16311548-407-10-3.3 1020300100 266.7 133.3
fra_dolcino1298136222794.5 90201000 2100 00
Jeronym15251542-56144.7 140303367 3100 00
jake_mind1609160416126 120205050 2100 00
gamelle21142076-14021 1412200100 150 150
akalabeth14291456101-1-0.5 45201000 150 150
Quari1390139990124 120301000 3100 00
ImSoHit42014611461055 501000 1100 00
meganoob15051493-50105 100200100 2100 00
Sharpshooter143314885555 50101000 1100 00
goiken15861993160-17-17 17101000 00 1100
argentino17581479-27955 50100100 1100 00
Logster13151323833 30101000 1100 00
SeanF15061487-1955 50100100 1100 00
vunakie141814543644 40101000 1100 00
Scatha18681799-610217 210300100 3100 00
Fanjo19791970-16482.7 1911303367 266.7 133.3
leocrotta2321205114841.3 1814301000 133.3 266.7
DenLaden108211335122 20101000 1100 00
zeniai144114632244 40101000 1100 00
CoolDude126412811733 30101000 1100 00
soul_steven21642005-218-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Mint17731757-315136.5 130200100 2100 00
Insinuator18391756-389147 140200100 2100 00
JustMe1323139815973.5 70201000 2100 00
NEO130913094063 6020500 2100 00
Naovy18562011-105-17-17 17100100 00 1100
tekelili21262060-453-6-3 814200100 150 150
Reqinek19262002-182-17-17 17100100 00 1100
ReNoM16791420-45073.5 70200100 2100 00
ShadowVeil22362000-1979206.7 200300100 3100 00
Skrim19291735-19477 70100100 1100 00
Trap142114684744 40101000 1100 00
lawd15081425-8344 40100100 1100 00
Miszcz1728196436-33-16.5 33205050 00 2100
vandal21892078-2055-6-1.5 1016410100 250 250
moloch1397149044791.1 3122817525 787.5 112.5
Diggy19981999-968-2-0.5 1618410100 250 250
Druid18901960-48-15-15 15100100 00 1100
Tal_Prudens14871487055 501000 1100 00
xenon17421954-173-35-17.5 35200100 00 2100
GodOfWar17111949-15-4-4 4100100 00 1100
anastaria13561356044 401000 1100 00
DaFunk14271427044 401000 1100 00
Vlad_III_Draculea19032055111-26-13 26201000 00 2100
cle16041337-26744 40100100 1100 00
BubkaBog15481481-6755 50100100 1100 00
mmmax123213309833 30101000 1100 00
Myos1576158628126 120201000 2100 00
peace19772004-425-5-5 5100100 00 1100
HotShot14281428044 401000 1100 00
Morgannwg14461395-5144 40100100 1100 00
zara17431596-14766 60100100 1100 00
gonssal17531742-1188 80100100 1100 00
szdik57018341360-94463 60200100 2100 00
Urist16581425-23344 40100100 1100 00
reloc184819581101010 100101000 1100 00
Goldilocks2274227401616 1601000 1100 00
albert139814646644 40101000 1100 00
Tazzac16111529-8244 40100100 1100 00
nanogargiulo144214561433 30101000 1100 00
kezz13891397833 30101000 1100 00
redifolletti132713391222 20101000 1100 00
Kanapka17351723-1266 60100100 1100 00
sexelf146315337033 30101000 1100 00
Haldiel19112054-431-28-9.3 230303367 133.3 266.7
DoigteurFou144914603142 40201000 2100 00
Noumenon19062000-315-27-13.5 27205050 00 2100
Honor20022094-13-9-9 9100100 00 1100
Kral19401705-1113-17-3.4 1936510100 360 240
isril137114028252.5 50201000 2100 00
zenzsei15661377-100782 80410100 4100 00
Schlamarcel162119307-46-5.8 2470816338 450 450
Irmao-Verdade13971378-1922 20100100 1100 00
Garison15912089-7-13-13 13100100 00 1100
nirjhar_hot130313716833 30101000 1100 00
Scipp1402150510344 40101000 1100 00
qnok21822074-545-5-5 5100100 00 1100
Ardito13801380033 301000 1100 00
WickedODDs13751375033 301000 1100 00
Trend15321440-9233 30100100 1100 00
freesole155916297055 50101000 1100 00
siddh16962009118-10-5 616201000 150 150
Lady_Marian16821467-40784 80200100 2100 00
hero19161811-686217 210300100 3100 00
Bal-Sagoth155415782455 50101000 1100 00
Aca17081652-173115.5 110200100 2100 00
Rayvids148215284644 40101000 1100 00
Danniel_BR21692042-378-17-17 17100100 00 1100
Tondo20321933-293-40-13.3 40300100 00 3100
Mrzinzin19361994-947-20-5 1333410100 250 250
Kira122782022-213-3-1 1518300100 133.3 266.7
Gronomo143714774044 40101000 1100 00
airman17701585-363-13-6.5 619200100 150 150
GreatWhiteNoob147315063355 50101000 1100 00
nagafono18501980150-7-1.8 2027411000 250 250
itt17421798-138-20-5 1535415050 250 250
Inteliteknia1558161715700 1818411000 375 125
Gnoll14871487055 501000 1100 00
infinity318792005-121-6-3 1016200100 150 150
Tactical152916047577 70101000 1100 00
yzr1998197336-11-11 11101000 00 1100
DwarvishRhapsody17731818-5268.7 260303333 3100 00
Khelone145614923644 40101000 1100 00
CrossBreed17291515-48094.5 90200100 2100 00
Gautepaute21572009-1209-25-8.3 631300100 133.3 266.7
fizban146114882755 50101000 1100 00
Deathntaxes15881580-855 50100100 1100 00
mAsT3RpEE1298148819044 40101000 1100 00
Mjh151015483855 50101000 1100 00
Castoridae24441951-251-13-6.5 13200100 00 2100
NanRoig19442003-38651.7 1712306733 266.7 133.3
TanyaLol14371437044 401000 1100 00
Amyrlin160716413466 60101000 1100 00
Saka1825199617-15-15 15101000 00 1100
unicorn18751825-79241 2218410100 375 125
wieker15811581066 601000 1100 00
SmartSword19011949-96-15-15 15100100 00 1100
MasterBao17741907-32-14-3.5 1832415050 250 250
Xplorer16301696101881.3 3527611000 466.7 233.3
Solymos19601969-1496-24-4 1943610100 350 350
arslan132913502144 40101000 1100 00
Xmax1221132015563 60201000 2100 00
SolymosHUN14201470-7484 80205050 2100 00
Lucky_Noob14311431055 501000 1100 00
tarasbulba13531353044 401000 1100 00
bengrf128213052333 30101000 1100 00
toon31015591466-273144.7 140300100 3100 00
Chocolatecake17761756-2088 80100100 1100 00
Ladder151715372055 50101000 1100 00
Veronika17391803-33157.5 150205050 2100 00
Rudko4414561456055 501000 1100 00
Bonobo205521691141616 160101000 1100 00
Wender_BR139714444744 40101000 1100 00
Ammazzalepri18641969-42-15-15 15100100 00 1100
Solymos-HUN19352013781313 130101000 1100 00
ForPeace18941735-307168 160200100 2100 00
draghen19141884-301010 100100100 1100 00
KnightKuni152116199866 60101000 1100 00
Megac119831960-41281.6 2820516040 360 240
Estrada22551970-637-20-5 1232410100 125 375
Caritas22072183-5463 159200100 150 150
2LettersSho135613846684 80201000 2100 00
Gallifax19462001-149-18-6 1129300100 133.3 266.7
Computer_Player17211945472-25-12.5 25201000 00 2100
StonyDrew1701187660900 2424518020 360 240
LeadFox17631802391010 100101000 1100 00
quincy211215641533-47126 120200100 2100 00
Zvhxii19951806-1891010 100100100 1100 00
MYFH18591979500213.5 4625611000 466.7 233.3
montyy19441959-30-13-13 13100100 00 1100
abhijit19881922-857-13-1.6 4154810100 450 450
matto19601969335-19-9.5 19201000 00 2100
dzomba159216071577 70101000 1100 00
RaptorOgien14331430-344 40100100 1100 00
Vilebeggar19211720-97871.8 2316410100 375 125
vvd152115654466 60101000 1100 00
hay20716691651-1877 70100100 1100 00
Cackfiend23752370-51818 180100100 1100 00
SeaRaider16671524-33694.5 90200100 2100 00
Arpus18491689-484-1-0.3 1718300100 266.7 133.3
Ben2462619201540-753105 100200100 2100 00
SkyEnd24481990-262-9-9 9100100 00 1100
clmates160915558-10-1.7 2636616733 466.7 233.3
Maeglin0114771476-2294.5 90200100 2100 00
Weiming_Liu20211895-1261212 120100100 1100 00
hitandrun18901908-43-14-14 14100100 00 1100
diomed2159191215-16-8 16201000 00 2100
KhorneflakesBA17131684-47178.5 170200100 2100 00
plk2204120951183015 300201000 2100 00
BadHatHarry164016409147 14020500 2100 00
Krogen22361988514-22-3.1 1840711000 114.3 685.7
nuclearm1nd15421449-180105 100200100 2100 00
kingofwars189919431002412 240201000 2100 00


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2025-02-07 13:47 UTC | 1.41582sec.