SpotlightnewbieA (1657) / vvd (1468) ® "lucky loyalist first day rush over dwarves on plain ground" ~newbieA [08/09] StonyDrew has ascended to the heady heights of 1800 Elo points. [24/08] Cremember has rightfully claimed the ultimate spot and is ranked number 1! [16/08] hitandrun smells the fear on the top as he grabs 3rd place. [11/08] newbieA has ascended to the heady heights of 1600 Elo points. [10/08] bing11 flew into the Top 20. NewsRBY Update & Milestone RBY has been updated to version 21 and now has a RBY No Mirror era that is not bugged. Since Wesnoth v1.10 the RBY No Mirror era has been very limited when it comes to what race and leader you get and RBY v21 fixes that. BIG thanks to iceiceice for doing the leg work. Other news articles:
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2024-09-20 00:04 UTC | 0.84376sec.