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United States

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(passive) 2375   (2455 / 1868) 74% 457 164 621 6 / -10 / 1.41 1  (20 / -4) 5  (51% / 55%: 5 / 5 / 5) 12% (11 / 3 / 69)
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Hero 28 849.5 899 94%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2021-06-01 04:19:36Cackfiendhalder2375 (5)2083 (-7)1919- / 5 W558Download (558)Details
2021-05-02 17:45:00DreadnoughCackfiend2015 (18)2370 (-12)1711715 / 5 W/L462Download (462)Details
2021-04-28 22:05:29Cackfiendhalder2382 (5)2106 (-5)1121125 / 5 W519Download (519)Details
2021-04-24 22:49:42Cackfienddiomed2377 (6)2179 (-6)1818- / 5 W/L594Download (594)Details
2021-04-19 20:37:07Cackfiendhalder2371 (5)2102 (-5)111111- / 5 W455Download (455)Details
2021-04-03 05:29:47GayCackfiend**Cackfiend1559p (59)2362 (-4)0202- / 1-1NoDetails
2021-04-03 04:44:20GayCackfiend**Cackfiend1559p (59)2362 (-4)0202- / 1 W-1NoDetails
2021-04-03 04:23:44dickfiend**Cackfiend1559p (59)2362 (-4)0202- / 1 W-1NoDetails
2021-04-03 02:49:45KrogenCackfiend2225 (10)2366 (-10)61625 / 5 W/L470Download (470)Details
2021-04-02 05:52:27Cockfiend**Cackfiend1559p (59)2372 (-4)0102- / 1-1NoDetails
2021-04-02 04:43:07Cockfiend**Cackfiend1559p (59)2372 (-4)0101- / 1-1NoDetails
2021-03-31 03:07:06CackfiendKrogen2376 (6)2215 (-6)26165 / 5 W/L532Download (532)Details
2021-03-30 04:04:35CackfiendLeadFox2370 (3)1822 (-4)232232- / 5 W597Download (597)Details
2021-03-27 05:45:49KrogenCackfiend2221 (10)2367 (-10)61625 / 5 W/L537Download (537)Details
2021-03-21 22:21:14Cackfiendmatto2377 (6)2153 (-6)2111135 / - W/L482Download (482)Details
2021-03-20 22:02:45mattoCackfiend2159 (11)2371 (-11)1211025 / 5 W/L446Download (446)Details
2021-03-17 00:39:48Cackfiendmatto2382 (5)2144 (-5)1131135 / 5 W/L463Download (463)Details
2021-03-13 04:22:43Danniel_BRCackfiend2167 (11)2377 (-11)1011015 / - W/L498Download (498)Details
2021-03-05 06:32:08Cackfiendabhijit2388 (3)1875 (-5)1231235 / 5 W/L484Download (484)Details
2021-03-04 04:49:41Cackfiendabhijit2385 (3)1869 (-5)2231245 / 5 W/L448Download (448)Details
2021-02-28 03:17:14CackfiendLukraak2382 (2)1636 (-3)244246- / 5 W519Download (519)Details
2021-02-27 06:33:24CackfiendDrakeKing2380 (5)2128 (-5)2102105 / 5 W500Download (500)Details
2021-02-25 21:18:56CackfiendLukraak2375 (2)1639 (-3)2442455 / 5 W514Download (514)Details
2021-02-23 06:51:34Cackfiendubw2373 (3)1808 (-4)2332325 / 5 W/L512Download (512)Details
2021-02-22 17:07:28CackfiendBadHatHarry2370 (1)1540p (-5)2020- / 2 W528Download (528)Details
2021-02-22 09:03:12BadHatHarryCackfiend1545p (59)2369 (-4)02022 / - L502Download (502)Details
2021-02-21 05:46:04DrakeKingCackfiend2125 (11)2373 (-11)91925 / 5 W/L390Download (390)Details
2021-02-20 19:25:04CackfiendBadHatHarry2384 (1)1486p (-5)1010- / 5 W552Download (552)Details
2021-02-19 21:53:34Cackfiendcraken2383 (3)1868 (-5)227127- / 5 W593Download (593)Details
2021-02-19 07:02:19Danniel_BRCackfiend2227 (10)2380 (-10)51425 / - W/L401Download (401)Details


Different opponents: 150 || Average games/opponent: 4.14 || Total inflation: -12 || Games vs overrated: 0% || Games vs underrated: 0%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Lucifer6261425140102828 2801000 1100 00
MasterDerf1770146903131 3101000 1100 00
Yoshimitsu1826178708442 8402000 2100 00
Gollum2033203304110.3 52114100 375 125
Trilateral1533155402727 2701000 1100 00
TheMasterOfBattle1665169703232 3201000 1100 00
redrum1676149302222 2201000 1100 00
ElvenKing175017750606 852510200 880 220
F8_Binds_n3t1590152102121 2101000 1100 00
KnightKunibert1586143301212 1201000 1100 00
gest_ru16121582088 801000 1100 00
ArtemisX201717980248 2403000 3100 00
Pelopidas1982183501212 1201000 1100 00
Loser2050188101212 1201000 1100 00
plk2204122770-2-0.3 28307100 457.1 342.9
theLittleHamster2028191901313 1301000 1100 00
Becephalus199220220-16-4 13294100 125 375
hogar18881887-12-13-13 13100100 00 1100
svek213821560-7-2.3 13203000 133.3 266.7
Shachi20862177073.5 1582000 150 150
c4rLOs8217021260233.8 48256100 350 350
Unbeatable213819360-15-5 12273000 133.3 266.7
Soliton178618680-15-15 151000 00 1100
enacui221723630121 655312200 758.3 541.7
Kikohil174121160113.7 22113000 266.7 133.3
gonssal175317810-3-1.5 11142000 150 150
neki198421020232.3 533010200 770 330
Lucky210421080-6-2 13193000 133.3 266.7
oesis197119710488 4806100 6100 00
Dredge197320040987.5 1232513200 1184.6 215.4
Michaelmax2121209801414 1401000 1100 00
Kolbur227722510-1-0.2 23245100 360 240
artemis1017721692077 701000 1100 00
nelson20022043040.2 696519300 1368.4 631.6
Janitor205919750-9-9 91000 00 1100
tbal172119960-19-6.3 10293000 133.3 266.7
sordan19831792099 901000 1100 00
Veliq17341646066 601000 1100 00
bluepierrot165517000196.3 1903000 3100 00
aramaki17991839030.8 18154100 375 125
silent199019660-51-3.6 399014200 750 750
Honor200220390224.4 2205100 5100 00
LichKing187721980-19-3.8 17365100 240 360
RiceMuncher213623800100.6 574717300 1376.5 423.5
toruneko19711798077 701000 1100 00
skb171817850-11-1.1 253610200 770 330
psychic18201809077 701000 1100 00
Death180916990113.7 1103000 3100 00
TheOne215621020-4-2 6102000 150 150
Huumy190821640-7-1.2 18256100 350 350
The_Black_Sword234823480136.5 1302000 2100 00
solange1170218050105 1002000 2100 00
Cremember240923870-26-1 9311926400 1246.2 1453.8
thefish208519420412.9 612014200 1285.7 214.3
Goldilocks22742225099 901000 1100 00
elido214921240411.3 1248331500 2374.2 825.8
Henrythe12th16361807044 401000 1100 00
stop_chemtrails18121860055 501000 1100 00
tekelili212619790332.5 461313200 1292.3 17.7
Kira1227824130-59-2.7 5911822400 940.9 1359.1
Skrim19291740044 401000 1100 00
Zade17261710033 301000 1100 00
JinGak15551715044 401000 1100 00
winddog19462039000 32329100 666.7 333.3
khiM183318550103.3 1003000 3100 00
mattweber17371717033 301000 1100 00
zahni176618160163.2 1605100 5100 00
zako21152082077 701000 1100 00
Shagal187619310252.8 37129100 888.9 111.1
Just_end_turn18581771084 802000 2100 00
Computer_Player172117230-7-2.3 6133000 266.7 133.3
Oook221024230-16-3.2 14305100 240 360
kitsu17821698033 301000 1100 00
gamelle211420150205 2004100 4100 00
dragonlx186021720-22-11 222000 00 2100
Jindo18381874055 501000 1100 00
Berez18541860094.5 902000 2100 00
Undertaker19052012000 10103000 266.7 133.3
Rigor202920690217 2103000 3100 00
Pionsix191018270183.6 1805100 5100 00
Kral194019240173.4 1705100 5100 00
Savannah18731873044 401000 1100 00
Lxx174217420-7-2.3 6133000 266.7 133.3
Ariu19681875044 401000 1100 00
cheshire_cat179118520164 1604100 4100 00
Bast205819570173.4 1705100 5100 00
Demogorgon22322239062 1593000 266.7 133.3
Semler195722180194.8 1904100 4100 00
Royale170717570-4-1 9134100 375 125
UselessChair18471928084 802000 2100 00
Colossi17711741033 301000 1100 00
Dauntless228322900-1-0.5 782000 150 150
tiboloid18201845063 602000 2100 00
Xplorer158323890-27-13.5 272000 00 2100
donkey_noob_trash18841884044 401000 1100 00
reloc18482009055 501000 1100 00
Bonobo205519880170.8 806322400 1672.7 627.3
Mr_Snrub16351716033 301000 1100 00
yzr19982045081.6 19115100 480 120
DrakeKing193621280313.9 42118100 787.5 112.5
qqq16591724052.5 502000 2100 00
UltraBerserker17211756033 301000 1100 00
Haldiel191019230101.3 23138100 787.5 112.5
Fanjo197924420-9-4.5 4132000 150 150
siddh169617630132.2 1306100 6100 00
Ichorid19292041055 501000 1100 00
leocrotta232123720-8-8 81000 00 1100
jason1985218721630155 1503000 3100 00
itt17421799022 201000 1100 00
gaute119751975044 401000 1100 00
widowmaker80217921690-6-3 5112000 150 150
szdik570183417430-8-2.7 5133000 266.7 133.3
Zorro189123900-13-13 131000 00 1100
Mrzinzin19361919033 301000 1100 00
Lady_Marian168217380121.7 1207100 7100 00
Castoridae244423620-21-10.5 212000 00 2100
GaretJax14641883010.1 535220300 1680 420
abhijit198818750230.9 634026400 2388.5 311.5
khorne-flakes18261836033 301000 1100 00
Spelp210724120-20-3.3 14346100 350 350
PoorRIchard168317440-10-3.3 4143000 266.7 133.3
suiren21672006073.5 702000 2100 00
frodo4214401655022 201000 1100 00
Amyrlin16071593022 201000 1100 00
iceiceice18391716042 402000 2100 00
AchmedTheCat16531718022 201000 1100 00
mae18131743022 201000 1100 00
littlebear19941923063 602000 2100 00
Green_Arrow20322008044 401000 1100 00
qnok218224340-6-3 5112000 150 150
KnightKuni15211715022 201000 1100 00
dzomba15921541011 101000 1100 00
matto202221530-14-3.5 11254100 250 250
LeadFox17631822052.5 502000 2100 00
Danniel_BR21642377000 32329100 666.7 333.3
UnderTheSea202020200-12-2.4 12245100 360 240
CrossBreed17291743042 402000 2100 00
Mee196323790-13-13 131000 00 1100
Estrada225524010-8-4 3112000 150 150
Caritas213423810-8-2 12204100 250 250
2LettersSho13561416021 202000 2100 00
diomed215921790115.5 1102000 2100 00
craken18501868033 301000 1100 00
BadHatHarry164015400-2-0.7 243000 266.7 133.3
ubw18411808033 301000 1100 00
Lukraak15871636042 402000 2100 00
Krogen223623660-14-4.7 6203000 133.3 266.7
halder195720830155 1503000 3100 00
Dreadnough203523700-12-12 121000 00 1100


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2025-03-07 02:11 UTC | 0.86313sec.