Vilebeggar (blocked or not added yet)

(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1921   (1952 / 1502) 52% 117 110 227 16 / -13 / 1.85 -1  (7 / -10) 4  (52% / 54%: 5 / 4 / 4) 4% (3 / 5 / 2)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Veteran 14 285.5 308 93%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2022-04-21 20:11:54DanieleMurgioniVilebeggar1963 (12)1921 (-12)6949- / - W/L417Download (417)Details
2022-04-20 11:45:29VilebeggarMasterBao1933 (12)1886 (-12)910911- / 5 W449Download (449)Details
2022-04-19 21:58:46StonyDrewVilebeggar1597 (24)1921 (-18)248229- / 5 W/L430Download (430)Details
2022-04-19 21:09:38Megac1Vilebeggar1935 (13)1939 (-13)9698- / 5 W399Download (399)Details
2022-04-19 20:39:02VilebeggarMegac11952 (12)1922 (-12)8969- / -412Download (412)Details
2022-04-17 09:02:05VilebeggarKhorneflakesBA1940 (9)1735 (-12)916916- / -411Download (411)Details
2022-04-17 08:01:25VilebeggarRedrih1931 (5)1471p (-14)9090- / --1NoDetails
2022-04-16 21:11:55VilebeggarTropt1926 (15)2069 (-15)10393- / 5 W456Download (456)Details
2022-04-16 19:37:39TroptVilebeggar2084 (9)1911 (-9)310310- / 5 W427Download (427)Details
2022-04-16 10:04:30VilebeggarERROR10251920 (5)1429 (-6)929929- / --1NoDetails
2022-04-15 20:52:49VilebeggarRedrih1915 (6)1485p (-15)10090- / --1NoDetails
2022-04-14 21:47:22DanieleMurgioniVilebeggar1960 (12)1909 (-12)694101 / - W/L427Download (427)Details
2022-04-07 20:29:58DanieleMurgioniVilebeggar1967 (12)1921 (-12)610510- / - W455Download (455)Details
2022-04-06 21:19:48VilebeggarDiggy1933 (13)1947 (-13)105108- / 5439Download (439)Details
2022-04-06 19:59:26VilebeggarMasterBao1920 (12)1906 (-12)11101011- / 5 W477Download (477)Details
2022-04-05 19:40:14VilebeggarMasterBao1908 (13)1918 (-13)11101110- / 5 W466Download (466)Details
2022-04-03 21:23:10DanieleMurgioniVilebeggar1931 (12)1895 (-12)911911- / - W391Download (391)Details
2022-04-03 11:23:41SkyEndVilebeggar2186 (5)1907 (-8)210210- / 5 W449Download (449)Details
2022-04-02 20:52:51VilebeggarDiggy1915 (13)1973 (-13)1041055 / 5 W429Download (429)Details
2022-04-01 21:17:29ArpusVilebeggar1878 (13)1902 (-13)12101210- / 5 W407Download (407)Details
2022-04-01 18:52:03VilebeggarArpus1915 (12)1865 (-12)101210125 / 5 L426Download (426)Details
2022-03-30 20:07:05DanieleMurgioniVilebeggar1651p (45)1903 (-4)010010- / -405Download (405)Details
2022-03-30 11:15:43GliderJuniorVilebeggar1549p (49)1907 (-5)09095 / 5 L404Download (404)Details
2022-03-30 10:21:24Vilebeggarmatto1912 (13)1961 (-13)95955 / 5 L459Download (459)Details
2022-03-29 19:25:57VilebeggarJago1899 (6)1503 (-8)925925- / 5-1NoDetails
2022-03-27 22:36:14mattoVilebeggar1941 (12)1893 (-12)7969- / 5 W435Download (435)Details
2022-03-26 10:04:21VilebeggarERROR10251905 (5)1379p (-12)9080- / 5-1NoDetails
2022-03-25 19:48:28Vilebeggarnilkiimas1900 (8)1630 (-10)909165 / 5 L452Download (452)Details
2022-03-24 13:20:51KrogenVilebeggar2316 (4)1892 (-6)08195 / 5 W/L481Download (481)Details
2022-03-24 10:35:11VilebeggarSpankyHam1898 (9)1696 (-12)80813- / 5474Download (474)Details


Different opponents: 82 || Average games/opponent: 2.77 || Total inflation: -5 028 || Games vs overrated: 44% || Games vs underrated: 51%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
ubw18411750-914343 430100100 1100 00
MacGuffin1421142102828 2801000 1100 00
jorgesumle16291572-133-81-27 81310100 00 3100
Masukhi12311283270165.3 3822311000 266.7 133.3
Wuhao16411520-31-44-22 44215050 00 2100
UselessChair18471511-438127 909313367 266.7 133.3
food4bots1519151410-34-34 34101000 00 1100
Xplorer16191647981-26-3.7 4470731000 342.9 457.1
tomigandalf128314691861616 160101000 1100 00
Lukraak15871481-1061616 160100100 1100 00
clmates15991686-11322.9 99671157327 763.6 436.4
dzomba1592157317196.3 3314316733 266.7 133.3
ForPeace18941864-302424 240100100 1100 00
halder19571696395-38-7.6 38528020 00 5100
Mujisushi1456145601515 1501000 1100 00
Fanjo3219511665-27-27-9 27313333 00 3100
helling3r134814912912914.5 290211000 2100 00
hitandrun18901743-653-25-5 1641522080 120 480
MasterBao173418861448555.5 101461041000 660 440
plk220411579152-5-5 5101000 00 1100
Maboul19801571-41-8-8 8100100 00 1100
derfel1486154915-18-18 18101000 00 1100
Tropt20762069-530-2-0.2 6365125892 433.3 866.7
peanut16421656141919 190101000 1100 00
Sheitan66616341612-393115.5 310210100 2100 00
Levi911365136501212 1201000 1100 00
MYFH1859156324-9-9 9101000 00 1100
matto19621961740667.3 9933946733 555.6 444.4
Diggy19981947-2654010 499420100 375 125
orcheido16241419-2051212 120100100 1100 00
Drakula16361610-261717 170100100 1100 00
FlamingGreens14931525321515 150101000 1100 00
unicorn18751740-43-25-12.5 25215050 00 2100
abhijit19881978-379-13-3.3 2134420100 125 375
Remito139014481412613 260211000 2100 00
Estrada22551739-129-12-6 12215050 00 2100
Caritas22222248-42557.9 7924734357 342.9 457.1
Zvhxii19951736-55131.5 1815210100 150 150
BlueValentine14321475431313 130101000 1100 00
LunaticPrincess18401627-505-9-4.5 9210100 00 2100
Megac119791939-792-48-6 2674840100 225 675
StonyDrew16701921-1585-4-0.4 8084115991 763.6 436.4
NotGaretJax16901705-4130.8 3330427525 250 250
montyy19441931-132222 220100100 1100 00
Oook22102226162727 270101000 1100 00
bloodybaron13511295-5677 70100100 1100 00
Computer_Player17211733184-13-13 13101000 00 1100
Gallifax19461890-562020 200100100 1100 00
KhorneflakesBA17131735-157-26-2.9 5884945644 444.4 555.6
ewrn1684168521-4-4 4101000 00 1100
SkyEnd24481907-740-18-9 18210100 00 2100
Dreadnough20351720-374-9-2.3 2231420100 125 375
hay20716691670-503115.5 310215050 2100 00
Zinnsoldat148915432983015 300211000 2100 00
Mee1963196302323 2301000 1100 00
themaccavian14521476241212 120101000 1100 00
Rekhab1477147701212 1201000 1100 00
ohm14481469211111 110101000 1100 00
Arpus18491902-35-16-5.3 1228316733 133.3 266.7
Lich_Lord19962015192323 230101000 1100 00
BadHatHarry16401682-87-5-2.5 1419210100 150 150
Squibie126913174888 80101000 1100 00
vvd14781697827316.2 5120521000 480 120
R700015891613241313 130101000 1100 00
shortcat17191695-1050-27-3.9 3360730100 342.9 457.1
TheLastVegan1487173640-22-22 22101000 00 1100
Kipples184918664863 1913211000 150 150
tempest691479147901010 1001000 1100 00
Ben2462619201799-1399428.4 5715520100 480 120
Hardin16191732-25-11-3.7 132431067 133.3 266.7
wtf_is_this14701803174-36-18 36211000 00 2100
Schlamarcel16211573-481414 140100100 1100 00
webkoko14821482077 701000 1100 00
Jago1479150398217 210311000 3100 00
CGM134813793155 50101000 1100 00
SpankyHam16961696099 901000 1100 00
Krogen2236189280-6-6 6101000 00 1100
nilkiimas16301630088 801000 1100 00
ERROR102514461429-84105 100210100 2100 00
GliderJunior16531907-104-5-5 5100100 00 1100
DanieleMurgioni21301921-1178-52-10.4 52520100 00 5100
Redrih1471147114115.5 11021500 2100 00


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2025-02-16 01:27 UTC | 0.45439sec.